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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/06 01:08:46
随着钢铁市场利润空间的缩小,莱钢炼铁厂细化管理模式,对关系到烧结矿成本的各种因素逐一进行分析,分析烧结矿能源动力消耗组成,界定各项指标比重,电耗占烧结矿能源动力消耗的34.2%,因此我厂将降低烧结系统电耗作为攻关课题,确定攻关课题后,我们加强电耗管理,分解烧结系统耗电因子,针对烧结机主抽风机、环冷风机耗电量大,实施设备改造降低主抽风机及环冷风机耗电量,并利用同步电机工作原理,降低主抽风机电机电流;及推行“避峰填谷”、“工完机停”措施等,通过一年的攻关,效果显著,烧结机产能提升,日产量提高六百多吨,电耗降低2.37 kWh/t,年产生效益一千多万元.
Along with the steel market profit space narrowing, refinement management model ofironmaking plant, related to various factors of sinter cost analysis, analysis of sinter energyconsumption composition, define the index proportion, sintering energy consumption energy consumption accounted for 34.2%, so I plant will reduce the sintering system power consumption as the key project, determine research, we strengthen the power consumptionmanagement, decomposition of sintering system power factor, the sintering machine of main fan, ring cold machine of large power consumption, the implementation of equipment modification reduces the main exhaust fan and a cooler fan power consumption, and use theprinciple of synchronous motor, reduce the blower motor current; and the implementation of the "peak to fill valley", "the end machine stop" measures, through research, a year ofsignificant effect, sintering machine capacity, output increased more than 600 tons, reduce power consumption by 2.37 kWh/ T, annual produce benefits about ten million yuan.