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英语翻译1市长选择我们学校参观是我们的荣幸.(feel honoured) 2请允许我代表在座的每一个感谢主人让我们过一

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/06 02:01:11
1市长选择我们学校参观是我们的荣幸.(feel honoured) 2请允许我代表在座的每一个感谢主人让我们过一个美好的夜晚.(on behalf of) 3消防员们不得不撞开房们进入失火的房子.(break down) 4没有飞机航班了,我只好坐在火车一路从上海到兰州( be forced to) 5即使想比尔盖茨一样有钱,我也不会任意挥霍.(even if) 6杂志上照片中的笑女孩让我想起了我的表妹(remind) 7他是个出色的学生,除了学习成绩很好以外他还乐于助人.(apart from) 8让我惊讶的是,在报告中,他丝毫未提负面调查的结果.(reference)
1.We feel honored that the Mayor has chosen to visit our school. 2.Please allow me to be on befalf of everyone at seat to thank the host for such a nice evening. 3.The firemen had to break down the door of the house on fire to get in. 4.As there were no flights at that time , I was forced to take a train all the way from Shanghai to Lanzhou. 5.I would not splurge my money freely even if I were as rich as Bill Gates. 6.The little girl on the magazine reminds me of my cousin. 7.She is an excellent student,and she is always ready to help others apart from her top grades. 8.To my surprise,he didn't give any negative reference at all in the report