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英语翻译The moon is the earth's only natural satellite and the f

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 04:31:48
The moon is the earth's only natural satellite and the fifth largest planet in the solar system.The average distance from the earth to the moon is 3384403 kilomatres.The gravitational pull at its surface is about a sixth of the earth's.The moon makes a complete trip around the earth every 27.3 days,and the periodic changes in the geometry of the earth-moon-sun system are responsible for the moon phases that repeat every 29.5 days.The gravitational forces produced by the moving around of the moon and the earth around a common axis,are largely responsible for the tides on the earth.The moon is the only space body that humans have traveled to and landed on.the first spaceship to escape earth's gravity and pass near the moon was the Soviet Union's Luna 1,the first space ship to hit the moon surface was Luna 2,and the first photographs of the normal clear far side of the moon were made by Luna 3 ,all in 1959.The US Apollo program has achievedthe first manned spaceship to visit the moon,reasulting six landings between 1969 and 1972.Human exploration of the moon have announced plans to send either people or robotic spaceship to the moon.On 4 December 2006,NASA outlined plans for a base on the moon as preparation for a voyage to Mars.
月球是地球唯一的天然尾行并且是太阳系中的第五大星体.从地球到月球的平均距离是3384403公里.月球表面的重力大概是地球表面的1/6,月球每27.3天完全绕行地球一圈, 地球-太阳-月亮的几何构造的每29.5天一次的周期性的变化造成了月相的不通.地-月运动造成的引力是在一个定轴的周围,并且很大程度上造成了地球表面的潮汐.月球是人类唯一造访过并着陆过的太空体.第一个摆脱地球重力从月球旁边经过的是苏联的luna1号,第一个到达月球表面的太空船是luna2号,并且第一张清晰的月球远端照片是由luna3号拍摄的,这些都发生在1959年.美国的阿波罗计划达成了第一艘载人飞船登上月球的目标,导致了从1969到1972年间的6次登录.人类对月球的探索不仅仅计划将人类而且还有机器飞船送到月球上.2006年12月4号,nasa 描绘了一个在月球建立基地作为到火星探索的准备的计划.