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英语翻译On a cold afternoon,I was sitting by the fire wondering

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/01 12:36:08
On a cold afternoon,I was sitting by the fire wondering what Pokey was doing.
My name is Snickers.I’m a golden retriever living with my third master.My friend Pokey,a beagle,was on his third master,too.He bit someone because he wanted to protect his house.His master got angry and sent him to the pound.
He was more than 100 miles away.Without Pokey I was like a tree without leaves.In the past when I felt bad,he would tell me jokes or run in circles...
“Snickers!Get over here,” my master shouted.I ran over to him at once.
“We’re going out there,” he said.We would have to hunt in a storm.Well,I would do anything to make him happy.I didn’t think it was nice killing animals,but I had to help him.
My master killed three birds and was pleased.When we got back,he fried the birds,and I went to my favorite spot,in front of the fireplace (壁炉).He offered me some meat,but I wanted to eat nothing.
When I woke up the next morning,something outside the window caught my attention.I pushed (推) the curtains open with my nose.The ground was covered with thick,white snow!Pokey and I used to stick (伸) out our noses in the snow and see whose hole was deeper.I ran out.
Then I remembered nobody would be there to play with.I walked back.
My master finally woke up.I jumped on him to say good morning.“Get off me,you stupid dog,” he yelled (大叫).I could see he wasn’t feeling good and I had to stay out of his way.He made breakfast for himself,but forgot to feed me.I pushed my food bowl over to him,but he did nothing.
I went outside and searched through the trash (垃圾),trying to find something to eat.No luck there.
I went back inside to get some food.I saw a piece of sausage (香肠) on my master’s plate.He wasn’t in the kitchen,so I thought he was finished.But just as I was grabbing (抓) it,he walked in.He took the piece out of my mouth and hit me.
He tied me to a tree.He said if I ever did anything like that again,he would send me to the pound.So I lay down and just waited.
Suddenly I saw a man in black jump over the fence (围栏).If my master knew him,he wouldn’t be jumping over the fence.I barked,but he wasn’t scared (害怕).Then he took something out of his pocket and worked on the door.Soon,the door was opened...