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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 12:08:55
【摘 要】上世纪四十年代,法国作家加缪在小说《局外人》中,刻画了一个游走在社会格局边缘的经典人物默尔索.时隔逾半个世纪,中国作家吴玄在小说《陌生人》中也塑造了一个对周围冷漠、对自我陌生的人物何开来.何开来与默尔索一样,都带着某个特定时代烙下的荒谬的意味,但却又各有不同.本文主要通过亲情、友情、爱情三个方面对二者进行比较二者的荒谬性,并从创作背景与写作手法两个角度研究其不同的原因,得出自我比世界更荒谬的结论.
More ridiculous than the world itself
- tries to analyze and hamel HeKaiLai
[to] pick in the 1940s,French writer camus' in the novel outsider,depicts a wandering in the social structure of the classic characters hamel edge.After more than half a century,China WuXuan writer in the novel in shaping the strangers,for a stranger to self around indifference,HeKaiLai characters.HeKaiLai and hamel cable,with a particular time of the mean thought ridiculous,but also vary.This paper through the affection,friendship,love,three aspects of both in comparison of the absurdity,and from the background and writing technique research and its different perspectives of reason,the more ridiculous than self.
[key words] hamel cable,HeKaiLai,ridiculous