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英语翻译Firms seeking competitive advantage through the cost lea

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 13:04:44
Firms seeking competitive advantage through the cost leadership strategy produce no-frills,standardized products for an industry's typical customer.However,these low-cost products must be offered with competitive levels of differentiation.Above-average returns are earned when firms continuously drive their costs lower than those of their competitors,while providing customers with products that have low prices and acceptable levels of differentiated features.
Competitive risks associated with the cost leadership strategy include (1) a loss of competitive advantage to newer technologies,(2) a failure to detect changes in customers' needs,and (3) the ability of competitors to imitate the cost leader's competitive advantage through their own unique strategic actions.
Through the differentiation strategy,firms provide customers with products that have different (and valued) features.Differentiated products must be sold at a cost that customers believe is competitive given the product's features as compared with the cost/feature combination available through competitors' offerings.Because of their uniqueness,differentiated goods or services are sold at a premium price.Products can be differentiated along any dimension that some customer group values.Firms using this strategy seek to differentiate their products from competitors’ goods or services along as many dimensions as possible.The less similarity with competitors' products,the more buffered a firm is from competition with its rivals.
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竞争带来的风险与成本领先战略包括: ( 1 )丧失竞争优势,以新技术, ( 2 )未发现变化,客户的需求,和( 3 )的能力,竞争对手模仿成本领先的竞争优势自己独特的战略行动.