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英语翻译References [1]TAN Guo-jun,XIONG Shu.A New Whole-digital

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 18:06:50
[1]TAN Guo-jun,XIONG Shu.A New Whole-digital Electric Control Device for Mine DC Winder.Colliery Mechanical & Electrical technology.2006,(1):4-6(in Chinese)
[2]LI Ge,HAO Yong-xing.Renovation of the TKD-A series mine hoister electric control system.JOURNAL OF CHINA COAL SOCIETY.2006,31(3):386-390(in Chinese)
Fig.1 Assistant mine cage promoting speed figure PLC S7-200 Preset speed Feedback of armature current Feedback of excitation current Synchronization signal Rotational speed feedback switch switch Power supply of excitation circuit Power supply of excitation circuit Trigger circuit and Amplification Trigger circuit and Amplification Trigger circuit and Amplification Power supply of armature circuit Power supply of armature circuit
Fig.2 The structure of speed regulation system
The phase-shifting control method is used in this system to realize digital trigger unit.Firstly,the synchronous circuit supplies the natural phase-converting point of thyristor’s voltage,which is used as the computation start point of phase-shifting pilot angle α.Secondly,according to the phase-shifting control voltage UK ,The timing constant is computed.Then,the circuit identifies the phase and selects thyristor according to the code reflecting the power supply’s state.The trigger pulse will be sent to corresponding thyristor at the setting time.If the control voltage UK is changed,the timing constant will be changed,which is the method to realize phase-shifting.
参考 [1]初级Tan郭,熊Shu.一个新整个数字化的电的控制矿直流演奏者的装置.煤矿机械和电技术.2006,(1):4-6(用汉语) [2]LI Ge,郝Yong-xing.修整的那些TKD一系列矿起重机电动汽车控制系统.中国煤社会的杂志.2006,31(3):386-390(在汉语)提升速度人物股票上市公司200 S7 预置速度电枢激励电流的电流反馈的反馈的964图1副矿升降机箱 同步用信号通知旋转速度反馈改变改变激励电路激励电路触发器电路和扩大触发器电路和扩大触发器电路和扩大电源的电源的电源 电枢电路电源的电枢电路图2那些结构 速度规章系统中,这种阶段移位控制方法被在这个系统里使用意识到数字化的扳机单位.首先,同步电路提供自然的转变阶段的晶闸管的电压的点,这被用作移相飞行员角度α的计算起始点.第二,根据阶段移位控制电压英国,时间常数被计算.然后,电路识别那些阶段并且根据反映出这电源状态的那些代码选择晶闸管.扳机脉搏将被在定时送到相应晶闸管.如果控制电压英国被改变,时间常数将被改变,这是实现移相的这种方法.