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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 21:37:19
Dear editor,
I have a good friend whose name is Tom.He doesn't like math but I am good at it.So he often wants to copy my homework.Iwant to refuse him to do that,but Iam afraid he is angry with me,Idon't want to lose this good friend.What should I do?Can I help me
提示词语:right,be bad for,teach him ,talk with him ,help him with ,make progress,prove.
Thanks for your letter.I have known your problem.________________________________________
Dear Li Lei,
Thanks for your letter.I have known your problem.I think it is not right for your friend to copy your homework. That's bad for his study. I think he can ask the teacher to teach him. And you can also have a talk with him and tell him you are willing to help him with his math. You think he will make great progress if he works harder. Time will prove you are his true friend.
再问: 请用上if从句。。 O(∩_∩)O谢谢!!!
再答: Dear Li Lei, Thanks for your letter.I have known your problem.I think it is not right for your friend to copy your homework. That's bad for his study. If he always does that, he will fail the math exam. I think he can ask the teacher to teach him. And you can also have a talk with him and tell him you are willing to help him with his math. You think he will make great progress if he works harder. Time will prove you are his true friend. Sincerely, ...... 原创回答。希望有帮助(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
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