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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/07 02:02:46
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Today,there are more and more people can only depend on their own society and community when they are in trouble.This phenomenon has caused a hot discussion that whether communities should pay attention to other society’s people .Some individuals argue that we should help anyone who needs help regardless of their group.In my opinion I argee with their view.
Obviously,because of the powerful media .We can got lots of information about other countries’,and we should help them when they were in trouble.I have two reasons to prove it .First,the people who need help can solve the problem effectively if they receive more assistance,take China for example,as we know there was a severe disaster which occurred in SiChuan Provine in 2008 ,as a consequence numerous people have lost their home and what is more tens of thousands of people lost their lives,but thanks to the help from many other countries,the salvage is successful moreover the work of rebuilding is intensive.Second ,…………………………………………………………..
However there are sill some people insist that they can only rely on their own community,as in their opinion ,to get help from other countries’people is impossible and credulous.The gap of distance is truly existed and it seems to me the main problem to stop them from getting other’s assists.While according to the advance technology,the problem may be insignificant,for instance we can connected with different countries’ people though the internet.
To conclude ,after considering the factors above,I think we should concern about the people
Who was in trouble regardless of their communities
这是写的组略的一个框架 帮忙懂的人看看 这样写的话 雅思作文会满6嘛?
1. 第一段废话少说,直接点明自己的观点.前面两句都是topic的重述,没意义,改卷人一般一个周末领n篇卷子,5-8分钟看一篇,还得按分类把成绩写下来,然后算出来.所以,同一篇topic看到你这儿估计已经恶心了.你还是给改卷的老师一个爽快吧:要不要在...时帮人?你觉得要帮人.下面我从几方面back up.
2. 媒体跟你的论点无关,而且你写了个first, 没见第二个观点在哪儿.虽然改卷人不会要求你的论据多么充分,但是至少要读之有物,条理清楚吧.举例子啊:帮人可以因果循环,你这次帮人,下次也会被人帮-- 反过来,人人都自保,不帮人,那下次你自己遇麻烦了咋办涅;帮人可以让自己和别人都快乐--反过来,不帮人,其实心里内疚;帮人乃举手之劳,其实没那么费劲-- 不帮人自己也没做什么事儿...
5.避免低级错误,比如这句里,Obviously, because of the powerful media .We can got lots of information about other countries’,and we should help them when they were in trouble. I
-- because of...之后是逗号,不应另起一句,因为because of 是插入语,非完整的句子;
-- can got 时态