作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 15:02:40
1.A shrew businessman has a ______ of what business will be like 20 years from now.
a.feeling b.promise c.vision d.duty
2.This cloth will not ______ in the wash.
a.decrease b.shrink c.increase d.relief
3.The company ______ him of taking bribes.
a.claimed b.stated c.announced d.accused
4.We must be fully aware that unemployment might be a(n )______ cause of the rising crime rate.
a.underlying b.confused c.hostile d.embarrassing
5.An IT company is the ______ of the annual Christmas parade.
a.owner b.protector c.sponsor d.leader
6.Profits have declined _______ the recent drop in sales.
a.as result b.as if c.as a result of d.as a result
7.Effective measures should be taken to ________ the problem of overpopulation which exists in some poor countries.
a.bend b.ease c.realize d.figure
8.Heavy duties are imposed _______ tobacco and wines.
a.on b.under c.of d.with
9.His failure is entirely ______ to his carelessness.
a.belonged b.due c.come d.contributed
10.Our government launched a vigorous _______ to wipe out illiteracy.
a.commitment b.activity c.campaign d.movement
11.The scientist was _______ the Nobel Prize last year.
a.awarded b.deserved c.brought d.worth
12.Please pick up your _______ after the picnic.
a.literacy b.literature c.litter d.ladder
13.______ his record on marketing,his chances of being promoted look poor.
a.Giving b.Given c.To give d.Being given
14.Management _______ the staff’s comments on the company’s annual report.
a.absorbed b.protected c.valued d.instructed
15.Practical skills are often taught on-job training courses since professional training cannot take place in a (n) _______.
a.air b.abstract c.atmosphere d.vacuum
16.The guiding ______ behind the new legislation is that the rights of children come first.
a.principal b.principle c.protection d.proverb
17.My brother couldn’t drive because his driving ______ was suspended for 6 months.
a.right b.certainty c.certificate d.freedom
18.Referring ______ what I said just now,I’d like to suggest we postpone the meeting till next week.
a.with b.to c.at d.above
19.The heavy storm will ______ this year’s harvest.
a.effect b.affect c.pressure d.affection
20.How to increase sales has become a burning ______ for the company.
a.remark b.issue c.comment d.answer
21.In some countries,citizens are ______ to enjoy free medical treatment.
a.encouraged b.entitled c.ensured d.instructed
1.c.意思是一个精明的商人可以预见20年之后的商情.have a vision of表示具有……样的眼界
3.d.accuse sb of sth意思是起诉某人某事.本句的意思就是公司以贿赂罪起诉他.
6.c.as a result of 的意思是由于……的原因,这是个很常用的短语,此题也很常见.全句的意思就是由于最近销售量下降,盈利额也随之减少了.
8.a duty此处的意思是税的意思,be imposed on是固定搭配,此句的意思是烟酒被征以重税.
9.b due to,归咎于,愿意是……的意思.本句的意思是他的失败完全归咎于他的粗心大意.
10.d movement,运动.我们的政府开展了一场有力的扫除文盲的活动.
11.a be awarded a prize,表示被授予某奖励.本句的意思就是该科学家去年被授予了诺贝尔奖.
13.a given是英语里正式场合比较常用的一个表示条件的连接词,这里不是表示被给,而是表示考虑到,如果等意思.本句的意思是,考虑到他的销售记录,他被升职的可能性(机会)比较渺茫.
14.a 管理人员吸取了公司员工在年度报告中对于公司的评价.management还有管理人员的意思,不是仅仅指管理.
15.d 由于职业技能训练不可能在真空中进行,实际技能培训便常常在工作培训课程中进行.原题的那个分号位置错了,应该是taught on job-training courses或者是不要那个分号.在真空里的意思在这里就是纸上谈兵,只学理论的意思.其实就是要表达要实实在在从实战做起.
16.b principle表示原则的意思,要和a中的校长区分开来.新法规中体现的指导原则就是孩子的权利首当其冲.
17.c certificate表示证书,证件的意思.我兄弟不能开车上路了,因为他的驾驶执照被叫停了6个月.
18.refer to 固定搭配,对于,根据我刚才所说的话,我想建议我们把会议推迟到下个星期再进行.
19.b affect:影响.大暴雨会影响到今年的收成.affect常表示不好的影响.
20.b issue:问题,议题.这个单词在一些正式场合很常用,代替低级词汇question使用.如何提高销售量成为了公司里一个颇为让人头疼的议题.burning,这里不能译作燃烧,不然不同,取其象征义,可以译作令人头痛,难以解决,搞得人如热锅上的蚂蚁等等意思.
21.b be entitled to,被给予……的权利或者资格,在正式文体里是个很常见的短语.后面常接某项福利措施.本句的意思是在某些国家,公民们被给予享受免费医疗服务的权利.