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哪位能帮我以How to Reduce Stress为题目写一篇英语作文要求:400词以上 分不是问题好的话会追加的

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 22:58:26
哪位能帮我以How to Reduce Stress为题目写一篇英语作文要求:400词以上 分不是问题好的话会追加的
We should keep active attitude towards stress.because the stress not only can become resistance,but also can become impetus.the key is how you confront it.
There are many ways to manage unhealthy stress in your life.As you begin to understand more about how stress affects you as an individual,you will develop your own ideas to help relieve tension.
1 Manage Time
One of the greatest sources of stress is overcommitment or poor time management.Plan ahead.Make a reasonable schedule for yourself and include time for stress reduction as a regular part of your schedule.
Trying to take care of everything at once can seem overwhelming,and,as a result,you may not accomplish anything.Instead,make a list of what tasks you have to do,then do one at a time,checking them off as they're completed.Give priority to the most important ones and do those first.If a particularly unpleasant task faces you,tackle it early in the day and get it over with; the rest of your day will include much less anxiety.
Most importantly,do not overwork yourself.Resist the temptation to schedule things back-to-back.All too often we underestimate how long things will take.Schedule time for both work and recreation.Too much studying is actually inefficient and can lead to burnout.Recognize when you are most stressed and allow yourself some reasonable breaks.When things feel especially difficult,take a walk or otherwise change your scenery.
2 Connect with Others
Being by yourself is fine,but being lonely is different.A good way to combat sadness,boredom and loneliness is to seek out activities involving others.Consider being a participant!There are lists of organizations available in the front of the campus directory.Or you may choose to offer your services to neighborhood or volunteer organizations.Help yourself by helping other people.You can contact the Campus and Community Involvement office at 471-3065 to learn more about these opportunities.
3 Talk It Out
When you feel something,try to express it (appropriately,of course!)."Bottled up" emotions increase frustration and stress.Share your feelings.Perhaps a friend,family member,teacher,clergy person or counselor can help you see your problem in a different light.Talking with someone else can help clear your mind of confusion so that you can focus on problem solving.Put out "brushfires" while they are still small.Even if it is slightly embarassing,asking for help soon after a problem occurs may avoid much more serious problems later.Also consider writing down thoughts and feelings.Putting problems on paper can assist you in clarifying the situation and allow you a new perspective.
4 Take a "Minute" Vacation
Create a quiet scene.You can't always run away,but you can dream.Imagining a quiet country scene can take you out of the turmoil of a stressful situation.When you have the opportunity,take a moment to close your eyes and imagine a place where you feel relaxed and comfortable.Notice all the details of your chosen place,including pleasant sounds,smells and temperature.Or change your mental "channel" by reading a good book or playing relaxing music to create a sense of peace and tranquility.
5 Monitor Your Physical Comfort
Be as physically comfortable as the situation will allow.Wear comfortable clothing.If it's too hot,go somewhere where it's not.If your chair is uncomfortable,change it.If your computer screen causes eye-strain or backaches,change that,too.Don't wait until your discomfort turns into a real problem.Taking five minutes to arrange back support can save you several days of back pain!
Of course,these are not necessarily the only ways to solve the problem,different people may have different ways to reduce stress .and it is my hope that everyone can reduce the too much stress in his work and study and live a relaxed happy life