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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 19:50:34
your American friends are visiting xi'an,and you are the guide.you are expected to pick them up in the airport,book hotel room.
(A:旁白 B:你LiMing C:朋友LiXia C:朋友Lucy D:Lucy的朋友Mary)
A:Today is the Labor day,and two American friends of tom are flying to Xi’an西安 for vacation.The plane will be arrived at the Xi‘an airport at ten o’clock,and now is 9:00,Tom is on his way to the airport.Now he meets his friend LiXia by chance.
LiXia C:Hi,Tom.I have not seen you for a long time.How are you?LiMING B:I am fine.I went to visit my uncle last week and just came home yesterday.How are you?LiXia C:I am fine too.But I attended an evening class from 19:00 to 21:00 everyday last two weeks for improving my math,it made me feel a lite tired.LiMING B:Really?That sounds good.It helped you make a great progress,didn't it?LiXia C:Yes,it did.I am going to watching the film Kongfu Panda.Would you like to come with me?LiMING B:No,thanks.I have to pick up my friends at aiport at 10:00.They come from America.LiXia C:It's 9:30 now,you should be hurry.Have a good day with your friends.See you.LiMING B:Thanks.See you.
旁白A:LiMing arrive at the airport at 9:50.After a while,the plane arrived,and
LiMing’s American friend Lucy and Lucy's friend Mary are meeting LiMing now.
LiMING B:Welcome to Xi’an,Since graduation,you don't come back to Xi’an,I miss you very much.
Lucy C:Yes,since I went to American,I miss china very much,also our classmates.This is my friend Mary.Mary,this is LiMing.
LiMING B:Hi,Lucy.Welcome to China.Nice to meet you.Mary D:Nice to meet you too.Lucy told me that Xi'an is very beautiful and there are many good food,so I can not wait for visiting.LiMING B:I am glad to here that.I will introduce you a lot of famous places and delicious food in the next few days.But now,come with me to your hotel for putting your luggage and having a rest.
旁白 A:After a trip,they have arrive at the xidian hotel!
LiMING B:I have book two rooms for you,the environment here is very fun and it near by my school.
Lucy C:OK ,it is very beautiful,I like it very much!Mary D:It looks really nice.I like it too.
旁白 A:So they go to the hotel for a rest,LiMing is arranging their trip.now is 12 o’clock.
LiMING B:Let us go out for lunch,it is time for lunch,we could take a delicious lunch at SUJI restaurants.
Lucy C:I feel a lite hungry now after a long trip.Mary D:So let us go,What delicious dishes is it offer?
LiMING B:it is very famous for its fish food,we will taste it soon.
旁白A:they arrive at the restaurants,and have a very delicious food!
C:it is wonderfull,xi’an is better than American,in the afternoon,let us go for scenery!