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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/06 23:39:24
不知道你说的是歌还是书 都给你了

Sir Alex Ryder to see you, my lady."
Her butler's unexpected pronouncement gave Eve such a start that she jerked back her quill pen and promptly turned over the inkwell, spilling black ink across the surface of the letter she'd been trying to compose.
Giving a gasp, she jumped up from her chair and hurriedly righted the well. At the same time, she was keenly aware that Ryder had crossed the room to her side. Drawing out a linen handkerchief, he tossed it over the spill before the stain spread across the marquetry surface of her writing desk.
Turning to look up at Ryder, Eve froze as she met his dark gaze. He stood frozen as well, his eyes riveted on her.
He looked lean and male and dangerous, she thought, feeling her heart race wildly. And he was still as breathtaking as ever.
His eyebrows were heavy and straight, his lashes a tangled fringe over eyes the shade of midnight. Her scrutiny took in his lean cheekbones, his chiseled jawline, his firm, sensual mouth. His skin was deeply tanned as usual, and his hair – so dark to be almost black – was cut longer than the current fashion and curled a little. Moreover, his eyes still held that black intensity she found so unsettling... like a physical touch.
The thick rim of lashes lowered as slowly his gaze swept down her figure, then lifted again so that his stare captured hers.
"Lady Hayden," he said. "Forgive me for startling you. I've come to pay my respects... and to gain your permission to take your brother and sister on a sightseeing tour of London tomorrow."
"Yes... They told me of your invitation."
Odd that she found breathing difficult when she had no reason to. It was merely the pleasant shock of seeing him again that unsettled her.
Ryder was still as dynamic and imposing as she remembered, with heat and vitality radiating from his body in waves. But he had changed subtly. He was all man now, all traces of youth gone. She could see the hard life of a soldier in his striking features, along with the alertness that was second nature to him. He reminded her of a wolf she had once glimpsed in a forest – lean, primal, potentially deadly.
Except that she doubted she would ever be this keenly attracted to a real wolf.
Eve promptly scolded herself, yet she couldn't seem to break the heated tension that vibrated between them.
"May I take this away, my lady?"
Vaguely she realized that her butler was speaking to her. He had cleaned up the ink spill and was carefully holding the sodden handkerchief and her half-written letter in his cupped palms.
"Thank you, Dunstan," she said gratefully. "Will you see that Sir Alex is given a replacement for his handkerchief?"
"That won't be necessary," Ryder responded lightly, "since I caused the accident."
Eve's gaze was drawn back to him. She wished she could think of something clever to say. Instead, she settled for addressing her butler again. "Dunstan, please send for my sister and tell her Sir Alex is here."
"I already have done so, my lady. Lady Claire asked to be informed should Sir Alex call."
So Claire had expected him, Eve thought with a twinge of annoyance. She wished she had known Ryder was coming, for she might have been less flustered upon seeing him again.
But in fact she should be glad he was here now. She would rather get their first meeting over with in private, so there would be no awkwardness between them when they met in public.
"Very well, Dunstan. Then will you have Cook prepare a tea tray for our guest?" When the servant had withdrawn, Eve gestured toward the sitting area at one side of the room. "Won’t you take a seat, Sir Alex? I will see what is keeping my sister."
When she retreated a step toward the door, the smile in Ryder's eyes deepened. "Running away so soon? I never took you for a coward."
Eve found his perceptiveness disconcerting, but she instantly halted, a spark of exasperation flaring in her own eyes. "Of course I am not a coward."
"Yet I seem to remember you disappeared just as quickly the last time we met."
"I hoped we might ignore that unfortunate incident, Sir Alex. It happened a long time ago and is best forgotten."
A slashing black eyebrow lifted quizzically. "Do you think I could possibly forget that day? You were my first proposal – in fact, my only proposal. A man never forgets a thing like that. Not to mention our kiss."
Feeling color flood her cheeks, Eve returned a measuring glance, taken aback to think she was the recipient of Ryder's only proposal... even though she'd always suspected he was not the marrying kind and had proposed to her that day only out of altruism.
She opened her mouth to reply, then shut it again promptly, deciding it wiser to ignore both his admission and his pointed reminder of their kiss.
At her muteness, the gleam in Ryder's eyes intensified. "You needn't fear a repetition of that incident, sweeting. I've given up assaulting beautiful young ladies. Some people even mistake me for a gentleman now."
"It is not gentlemanly," Eve countered, "to remark on our... that kiss. My behavior that day was not in the least ladylike, and I would like to forget it ever happened."
"I fancy I was a trifle more at fault than you were," Ryder replied dryly. "But I am willing to overlook our past if you wish it."
"Thank you," Eve said in gratitude. "I do wish it. I thought we could simply be friends, as we once were."
"Friends." Ryder stared at her for a moment, then shook his head. His sudden laughter was soft, unexpected, charming. "Very well, if you insist."
Casually he turned and strolled over to the sofa, where he settled himself comfortably. Eve moved forward and sat in a wing chair opposite him.
"It has been a long time, Countess," he said finally, still studying her.
"Yes, it has."
"I gather Lady Claire's comeout is proceeding well under your auspices?" Ryder mused.
"Thus far it is. But I'm afraid she finds the whole process intimidating. I was much the same when I first came here – a green girl just out of the schoolroom."
"That is not what I've heard. By all reports, you were the Belle of London your first Season."
Eve's smile was self-deprecating. "Hayden's popularity had much more to do with my success."
"You have grown up into a magnificent woman. Your hair is a richer gold than I remember."
There was something intimate, almost possessive, about Ryder's scrutiny, and Eve once more found herself remembering what it felt like to kiss him, remembering the heat and hardness of him... before she caught herself in exasperation. "Sir Alex, I will thank you to refrain from making such remarks. I don't desire your flattery, however well meant. And it is not appropriate between mere friends."
"Very well, my lady," he agreed amiably, although he scarcely looked repentant.
Eve cleared her throat and sought a new topic of conversation. "I should congratulate you on your new knighthood. The honor is well deserved, I understand."
That glint returned to his eyes, but this time it held an edge of cynicism. "I believe your father would disagree. He always thought I was born to be hanged."
"Yes, well... Papa always did consider it a crime to be born with any blood other than blue."
"Cecil tells me that Hayden's aunts are even worse."
That comment elicited a pained smile from Eve. "Indeed, we regularly battle over their notions of superiority. But despite their disdain for anyone not of the peerage, they are lovely ladies."
"Doubtless they wonder how you came by your radical views."
"I suspect you had a great deal to do with my radical views," Eve conceded with a laugh.
Ryder flashed her a grin. "And you had a great deal to do with altering my views, I admit. I turned over a new leaf because of you – actually more than once. But that summer, after you rejected my offer, I decided to put my mercenary past behind me and become respectable."
Eve eyed him in surprise. She was a little amazed to think she'd had that much influence over Ryder, and flattered as well. "Is that why you joined the Foreign Office?"
"In part."
Her smile turned faintly teasing. "Does that mean I can take some of the credit for your becoming a celebrated hero?"
"I would say so," Ryder answered in the same vein. "And if you follow that line of argument, you can also claim some credit for the fact that I was knighted. I realized a title would aid me in gaining respectability, so I allowed Sir Gawain to put forward my name for the honor. I could never have stomached the absurd formalities of court otherwise."
Eve glanced toward the window at Ryder's mansion across the square. "I suppose you hired your new house for the same reason?"
"Yes. If I'm to set up as a knight and marry a well-bred lady, I must have a suitable address."
"Then the gossip is true? You are on looking for a wife?"
Ryder hesitated.
Just then her sister Claire entered, a delighted expression on her face as she crossed the room to him. "Sir Alex, how good it is to see you again! I have missed you."
"I have missed you too, Lady Claire."
When Ryder rose to greet her, she gave him both her hands in a gesture of friendship. "It is wonderful news about your being knighted."
"Thank you, my lady. You are looking quite enchanting. Have you taken London by storm yet?"
She laughed, and Eve was struck by how animated her sister's face was. Claire was indeed looking fresh and pretty in a new, yellow, dotted swiss muslin gown, and she was gazing up at Ryder with genuine fondness. A fondness he seemed to return.
Distracted by the sight, Eve shook herself when Dunstan appeared with the tea tray.
She busied herself pouring tea, while Claire sat next to Ryder on the sofa.
"Now, Sir Alex," the girl continued, "what were you saying when I interrupted? Something about the gossip being accurate? Are you truly looking for a wife?"
When Eve felt Ryder's glance fall on her, she returned an inquisitive gaze, very curious to hear his answer.
"Yes, I intend to marry," he acknowledged. "It's the chief reason I've come to London."
"Did you know that Eve is known for her matchmaking abilities?" Claire asked.
His eyebrow lifted. "Is that so?"
"I have had some minor success," Eve admitted.
Claire smiled as she sipped her tea. "You are far too modest, dearest sister. Sir Alex, she can claim credit for at least a dozen marriages."
From Ryder's expression, Eve could tell he seemed surprised. "Are you so interested in promoting the institution of matrimony, then?"
She gave a light shrug of her shoulders. "Truthfully, no. I have no fondness for matrimony. But if a young woman must marry, I believe she ought to find someone with whom she can live happily. So each season I make it a point to help several of the new debutantes."
"Help? How?"
"Oh, nothing exceptional. I advise them on finding the right sort of husbands and try to pair them with suitable prospects so they can make good matches and avoid bad ones."
The amused glint in his eye had returned. "And just what do you consider a good match, Countess?"
"One where the couple shares compatible character and temperament. And of course social and financial considerations are important. A union is not likely to succeed where there is a great disparity between husband and wife."
"Perhaps you should consider asking Eve to help you find a suitable match, Sir Alex," Claire suggested. "She really is quite skilled at it."
"Oh, no," Eve said at once. "I wouldn't dream of offering Sir Alex advice."
"I think it a grand idea," Claire insisted.
Frowning, Eve sent her sister a questioning look, wondering why in the world Claire was being so adamant about the issue. But Ryder spoke before Eve could. "It won't be necessary for you to aid my search, Lady Hayden."
"Why not?" Eve asked, her curiosity piqued even further. "You don't think I could?"
"Perhaps you could, but I don't want you to trouble yourself. I already know the kind of bride I want."
"Oh? Do you have someone in mind, then?"
"In fact I–"
"Wouldn't you care for tea, Sir Alex?" Claire interrupted.
She leaned forward and picked up the teacup Ryder had left sitting on the table. But as she turned to hand it to him, the cup slid off the saucer straight into his lap.