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把下列的翻译成英语?大家好,今天我要讲的是一个有关郑板桥的故事. 清代书画家郑板桥年轻时家里很穷.因为无名无势,尽管字画

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/02 17:34:04
大家好,今天我要讲的是一个有关郑板桥的故事. 清代书画家郑板桥年轻时家里很穷.因为无名无势,尽管字画很好,也卖不出好价钱. 家里什么值钱的东西都没有. 一天,郑板桥躺在床上,忽见窗纸上映出一个鬼鬼祟祟的人影,郑板桥想:一定是小偷 光临了,我家有什么值得你拿呢?便高声吟起诗来: 大风起兮月正昏,有劳君子到寒门! 诗书腹内藏千卷,钱串床头没半根. 小偷听了,转身就溜.郑板桥又念了两句诗送行: 出户休惊黄尾犬,越墙莫碍绿花盆. 小偷慌忙越墙逃走,不小心把几块墙砖碰落地上,郑板桥家的黄狗直叫着追住小偷就 咬.郑板桥披衣出门,喝住黄狗,还把跌倒的小偷扶起来,一直送到大路上,作了个揖,又 吟送了两句诗: 夜深费我披衣送,收拾雄心重作人. 我的演讲完毕,谢谢.
一天,郑板桥躺在床上,忽见窗纸上映出一个鬼鬼祟祟的人影,郑板桥想:一定是小偷 光临了,我家有什么值得你拿呢?
One day,ZhengBanQiao lying in bed,suddenly see ChuangZhi screens out a furtive figure,ZhengBanQiao think:must be a thief to visit,my home have what is worth you take?
And sing aloud the poems to:winds up xi month is out,the gentleman to deal was originally poor!
Good internal hidden thousands of volumes,money string bed not half root.
The thief listened to,and turned to slip.
ZhengBanQiao and read two poem off:the house Hugh surprised yellow tail dog,the wall mo in green flowerpot.
小偷慌忙越墙逃走,不小心把几块墙砖碰落地上,郑板桥家的黄狗直叫着追住小偷就 咬.
The thief ran away the more hurriedly wall,accidentally put a few pieces of wall brick touch on the ground,the house of ZhengBanQiao yellow dog called after living the thief straight bites.
郑板桥披衣出门,喝住黄狗,还把跌倒的小偷扶起来,一直送到大路上,作了个揖,又 吟送了两句诗:夜深费我披衣送,收拾雄心重作人.
ZhengBanQiao would go out,drink live yellow dog and the fall of the hand a thief,has been sent to the road,the yi,and sing sent two poem:night fee I would send and make up for heavy ambition.
My after the speech,thank you.
Hello everyone,today I want to tell you is a relevant ZhengBanQiao story.ZhengBanQiao young artist qing dynasty when the family is poor.Because the nameless and potential,though calligraphy and painting is very good,also sell a good price.Home nothing of value to all have no.One day,ZhengBanQiao lying in bed,suddenly see ChuangZhi screens out a furtive figure,ZhengBanQiao think:must be a thief to visit,my home have what is worth you take?And sing aloud the poems to:winds up xi month is out,the gentleman to deal was originally poor!Good internal hidden thousands of volumes,money string bed not half root.The thief listened to,and turned to slip.ZhengBanQiao and read two poem off:the house Hugh surprised yellow tail dog,the wall mo in green flowerpot.The thief ran away the more hurriedly wall,accidentally put a few pieces of wall brick touch on the ground,the house of ZhengBanQiao yellow dog called after living the thief straight bites.ZhengBanQiao would go out,drink live yellow dog and the fall of the hand a thief,has been sent to the road,the yi,and sing sent two poem:night fee I would send and make up for heavy ambition.My after the speech,thank you.