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这两个英语句子对吗?1.The police found the man broking into a house.注意

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/13 17:03:08
1.The police found the man broking into a house.注意broking
2.When he came to life,he found himself sitting on a chair.注意sitting
还有,He found them seated at a table.为什么用seated?这里是被动关系吗
另外请注意found的用法:这里found后面都接了宾语,the man 和himself,因此后面跟着的breaking和sitting都是做宾语补足语的成分,和宾语之间构成主谓关系.如果是动宾关系的话,就要用v-ed形式.如:I found one of my hand caught by a stranger.这里手是被抓住的.
至于sit 和seat:
二者做动词是区别如下:sit是不及物动词,意思就是“坐下”,而seat是及物动词,意思为“使坐下”,正如口语中常用的一句话一样——Please be seated.(请坐).这和dress是一样的用法,如get yourself dressed.(穿好衣服).
所以He found them seated at a table.这句话是正确的,你可以理解为被动.但是知道来龙去脉最好不过.