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缩写作文About one hundred years ago,many ed ucated people spoke

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 07:14:30
缩写作文About one hundred years ago,many ed ucated people spoke French when they met people from other countries.Today most people speak English when they m eet foreigners.It has become the new in ternational language.There are more p eople who speak English as a second la nguage than people who speak English as a first language.Why?There are many reasons why English ha s become so popular.One of them is th at English has become the language of business.Another important reason is t hat popular American culture,like movi es,music,and McDonald’s has quickly s pread throughout the world.It has brou ght its language with it.Is it good that English has spread to all parts of the world so quickly?I don't kn ow.It’s important to have a language th at everyone has in common.Our world has become global and we need to com municate with one another.On the othe r hand,English is a rather hard languag e to learn and it brings its culture with it .Do we really need that?Scientists have already tried to make an artificial(人造的) language that isn't too difficult and isn’t from any one group’s c ulture.It is called Esperanto.But it hasn 't become popular.Maybe the popularit y of English won’t last that long,either.Who knows?There are more people in t he world who speak Chinese than any ot her language.Maybe someday Chinese will be the new international language.81.What was the world language a cent
大约一百年以前,让受过教育的人与其他国家的人碰面时会说法语.如今,大多数的人在遇到外国人时会说英语,英语已经成为新的国际性语言.把英语作为第二语言的人比把英语作为母语的人还多.为什么? 再答: 英语变得如此流行的原因有很多。其中一个原因是英语已成为了商业用语,另一个原因是流行的美国文化,如电影,音乐,麦当劳已迅速传遍了整个世界,一并传播了它们的语言。
再答: 英语如此迅速的传遍世界每个角落是否是件好事呢?我不知道,掌握一门与大家共通的语言确实是件好事,世界全球化发展,我们需要与他人沟通。但另一方面,英语不容易学,并且英语的传播还导致英美文化的传播,我们真的需要它们的文化吗?
再答: 科学家们已着手研究一门易学且来源于世界上所有群落的语言,它被称作esperanto,然而它还没有流行起来。或许说英语的人口高数量不会持续那么久,谁知道呢?
再答: 世界上说中文的人比说其他任何语言的人都要多,或许有一天,中文会成为新的国际性语言 。
再答: 81往后是一句只截了一半的没用的题