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英语翻译摘 要改革开放以来,中国经济持续快速增长,工业化进程不断推进,我国对能源的需求不断增加,与此同时中国自有能源生产

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 02:55:55
摘 要
Since the reform and opening up, China 's sustained and rapid economic growth, China's industrialization advancement, the increasing demand for energy, at the same time China has its own production capacity can not meet the growing increasingly rapid growth of energy demand, therefore the enterprise of our country began to actively carry out foreign energy investment. In recent years, our country in foreign countries have carried out a series of large-scale energy investment, these investments around the world, involving a variety of energy development, for China's energy security provides important guarantee. These investment to the enterprise, helps to reduce the purchasing cost and ease the energy supply pressure, through the overseas expansion, obtained the rapid development again. There are also some problems, hindering China's foreign energy investment development.
Based on the China's foreign energy investment theory, development, development mode to undertake study, reach our country foreign energy investment motives, and through the SWOT analysis of China's current foreign energy investment practice of advantage, inferior position, obstacles and opportunities. The full text is divided into five parts. The introduction is the first part, mainly introduces the background, research purpose and research methods. The second part of the combination of several major foreign investment theory to China's foreign energy investment theoretical interpretation. The third part elaborated our country foreign energy investment development course, the existing model and the basic performance. The fourth part analysis of Chinese enterprises foreign energy investment motivation. The fifth part puts forward our country foreign energy investment strategic choice.
英语翻译摘 要改革开放以来,中国经济持续快速增长,工业化进程不断推进,我国对能源的需求不断增加,与此同时中国自有能源生产 英语翻译当前,随着中国经济的持续增长及其工业化进程的不断推进,我国对资源能源的需求不断增加,中国自有资源能源生产能力越来 英语翻译改革开放以来,中国经济的持续快速发展,导致对能源需求特别是石油、天然气需求的不断增长.中国能源安全问题不仅越来越 英语翻译自改革开放以来,中国经济经历了持续十几年的高速增长,随着经济开放的不断扩大,我国国内市场已经成为国际市场的重要组 英语翻译城市女性婚姻观念的转变摘 要改革开放以来,中国经济高速发展,经济的发展使得物质生活不断丰富,必然导致人们对生活质 英语翻译随着我国社会经济快速发展,以及农村城镇化与工业化进程不断推进,特别是农村税费改革和新农村建设工程的深入实施,我国 英语翻译随着中国改革开放的不断深入以及中国企业国际化进程的加快,中国企业纷纷把眼光瞄准了国际市场,与此同时,为了加快中国 英语翻译改革开放以来,我国经济快速发展,人民的生活水平与日俱增,但与此同时,我国居民的收入差距也在逐步拉大,并呈现出不断 英语翻译随着我国改革开放不断深化,农民工在我国社会经济建设中是一支重要的生产军,是我国的宝贵资源,为我国改革开放以来经济 英语翻译求以下摘要的英文,拜托各路神仙了~近年来,随着中国改革开放进程的不断加深,中小企业作为新兴的经济力量,开始对我国 英语翻译自人们对能源和环境问题意识不断增强以来,太阳能不断被重视,成为21世纪最重要的新能源.对于硅太阳能电池材料研究和 石油是经济发展的重要能源之一,素有“经济血液”“经济命脉”之称。自20世纪90年代以来,我国石油进口不断增加,2004年