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英语翻译If you share your problems,you’ll feel better.Students t

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 05:33:50
If you share your problems,you’ll feel better.
Students these days often have a lot of worries.Sometimes we have problems with our schoolwork,or arguments with our friends.Perhaps we even worry about our parents’problems.
What can we do about this The worst thing is to do nothing.Laura Mills a teenager from London,agrees.“Problems and worries are normal in life,” says Laura.“But I think talking to someone helps a lot.If we don’t talk to anyone ,we'll certainly feel worse.”
Robert Hunt,a counselor from Enland,feels the same way.“In English we say that A problem shared is a peoblems halved.As a counselor,I have to agree with this.We should never run away from our problems.We should always try to solve them.Usually,the first step is finding someone we trust to talk to.”
Even Mr Hunt agrees that this doesn’t need to be an expert like himself.We can talk to our friends,teachers,or our parents.We often forget that our parents have more experience than us,and are always there to help us.The main thing is to know that if you look for help,you’ll find it.
“You’ll feel so much better if you talk to someone,” says Laura.For example,I once lost my wallet,and I worried for days.I was scared to tell my parents about it.I even walked three miles to school each day because I lost all my money.I just kept thinking,If I tell my parents,they’ll be angry!Anyway,I bet you can guess how the story ended.I talked to my parents and they were really understanding.My dad said he sometimes made careless mistakes himself.They got me a new wallet and just asked me to be more careful.I felt so much better after talking to them.I will always remember to share my problems in future!”
我们可以做些什么呢?最糟糕的事情是什么都不做.劳拉米尔斯少年同意. “存在的问题和忧虑是正常的生活中, ”劳拉说. “但是我想与某人有很大帮助.如果我们不与任何人,我们当然会觉得更糟. “
罗伯特亨特,参赞Enland(人名) ,认为以同样的方式. “在英语,我们说,一个共同的问题是一个问题的一半.作为辅导员,我必须同意这一点.我们永远不应该逃避我们的问题.我们要始终尝试解决这些问题.通常,第一步是找我们相信对话. “
“你会感觉好多了,如果你跟别人说, ”劳拉.例如,我曾经我的钱包弄丢了,我担心了好几天.我害怕告诉我的父母了.我什至走3英里每天上学,因为我失去了我所有的钱.我总是不断在思考,如果我告诉我的父母,他们会生气!不管怎样,我敢打赌,你能猜到的故事如何结束.我同我的父母和他们真正理解.我爸爸说,他有时自己不小心的错误.他们把我一个新的钱包和公正的要求我会更加谨慎.我觉得好多了交谈后给他们.我将永远记住分享我的问题,在今后的! “