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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/05 22:41:55
He said that love is a sarcastic,like taking a nap,drink coffee,cattle,thousands of Dajiao level,the spiders see on the flat,see the postman on the hot pursuit of the enemy Feimao large.Garfield ......He is the world's most dynamic (and most ridiculous) of cats!Liou Ni was born in 1978 in Italy mother in the kitchen of the restaurant,to start on this point,he devoured pasta life.
This is not courtesy of the fat cat in the end,which point it attractive?Very simple ......most people agree with him,because he is their own.In fact,he is a cat under the skin of people.Garfield likes to watch television,hate Monday.He would rather not do sports drink; true that the grid,his sleep and food of the degree of fanaticism that only his movement and the diet of poor offensive worthy match.(He just "sit" and not "up").If the morning to late start,he will be more like it.Will take up to the fierce howl of coffee,is to bring about a better day to start the unique prescriptions.There are more human than this it?But
Garfield is not only just making rude remarks,others ironic:He has soft side.He really loved his Xiong Baobao bases in the bottom of his heart,he loves his master Laojiang dog to stay in Europe and younger brother (Needless to say,of course,not as his own love so much.)
Garfield's body is the focus of a joke.Yes,he is the Yuan Gungun longer.Yes,he had been mistaken for an asteroid.Yes,he has a special postal code.But Garfield also has his own point of view,he is not overweight ...but ...is too short.He's not fat ...but ...the excess cells.
Referred to the lazy.Garfield always listened to his heart that big Slackers,and his philosophy of life is
Only once a nap.Drowsy at least one advantage:it into the realm do not need to rely on
英语翻译他是一头爱说风凉话、贪睡午觉、牛饮咖啡、大嚼千层面、见蜘蛛就扁、见邮差就穷追猛打的大肥猫.他就是加菲猫……全世界 有人说爱情就是一杯苦咖啡,喝的时候是苦的,苦带有甜,值得回味.有人说爱情就像…… 我妈妈比较迷信,我很贪睡的时候,他就说我掉魂了,他就放了锅头里给我烧个鸡蛋,鸡蛋上绑上红绳,奇怪的是,鸡蛋熟了,红绳都不 梦见很大的蜘蛛昨天晚上女朋友说我们之间年龄有问题然后就分了 睡觉时就梦见了几颗树上都有一头很大很大的蜘蛛开始时看到了蜘蛛 “有人说中国就像一头沉睡的狮子,但他永远不会永远沉睡下去.总有一天,东亚谁是的吼声将震动全世界!”说说你对这句话的理解 英语翻译她说:如果我不给她拍照,就一头跳进身后的河里 但是原句是:中国就像一头沉睡的雄狮,一旦醒来,全世界都会为之震颤,让他睡下去吧.历史上类似的错误还有什么? 他说他一到家就给你打电话的英语翻译 英语翻译就是简单的,7句就OK.求 介绍男的朋友和女的朋友 两篇.就是介绍他的年龄,姓名,来自哪里.他的电话,他是我的朋 (二)传递快乐的人 ▲日本有个叫清水龟之助的邮差.每天他都一大早就出门,用自行车驮着报刊和邮件穿梭于大街小巷.邮差是一份 英语翻译1:他是我们的大客户,你这种做法我不认同,你要先和他说清楚,让他理解.你不和他说,他不明白我们的难处,就擅自决定 用英语翻译 孩子说:如果爱,就请深深爱