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Summary writing

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 13:04:20
Summary wtriting(新概念第二册 第七课,课文原文见附件) 3.Where did two man take the parcel after the arrival of the plane?
Aanswer:Two man took the parcel into the Customs House after the arrival of the plane.
问题是:1.where是对地点提问,问的是在哪take的parcel,怎么答案回答的是take the parcel以后去了哪?
2. after the arrival of the plane. 翻译过来是飞机到达以后。这个句子是什么用法 arrival和of 是如何使用的,可不可以改成after the plane arrived
解题思路: 如下
Where did the two men take the parcel after the arrival of the plane ?
after引导的是一个名词短语,arrival of the plane 意思和the palne arrived 一样,ARRIVE 是动词,ARRIVAL是它的名词形式。短文中有对该题的完整回答:
The two men took the parcel off the plane (那两个人把包裹从飞机上取下)and carried it into the Customs House (并把它带到了海关。)
句中的TAKE... OFF 有几个意思很重要:一是可以用来描述飞机起飞,二是可以描写脱下衣物等,三是拿走。
WHERE 对应的答案就是这个海关(Customs House ).TAKE ...OFF 和 CARRIED INTO 是两个承接的动作。从飞机上取下来并带到了海关.
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