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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/15 02:25:52
1 很抱歉我没有及时回复你的来信,希望你谅解.因为前些天学校里的作业突然很多,导致我隔了好久才想到要表达对你的问候.
2 上周一是中秋节,我和我的家人按照传统节日的习俗吃了一些可口的月饼和芋头.不过我觉得中秋节的假期太短了,才放了三天假,老师却留了不少作业给同学们完成.但我由于在家过度休息只顾着消遣,居然忘了完成其中一项作业,害得我被同学和老师严厉地批评了几句.
1. I'm sorry I did not respond promptly to your letter, I hope you can understand. Because we have a lot of school work to do this days, which led me to express my greetings to you after a long time.

2. Its Mid-Autumn Festival last monday, me and my family ate some delicious moon cake and taro in accordance with the traditional custom. But I think the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday is too short, only three days off, and the teachers had left a lot of homeworks for the us to complete. Because of my caring about the entertainment at home only, and forgot to complete one of them, which led me severely criticized by teachers and my classmates.
再问: taro不加s吗,好像得用复数啊