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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/04 17:15:03
"Nevertheless,there are other hurdles before LED edge-lights can fully surpass CCFLs in all respects," Karlicek explains,"We aren't going to have the same power consumption that we have with CCFL systems.It will be far more expensive too," he says,"Even so,LEDs offer many advantages over CCFLs.So initially,we will focus on the premium and high-end offerings,working with some players who are interested in the technology.The idea is to focus on demonstrating the technology's superiority in what we call'killer chip solutions'," says Karlicek.
Karlicek expexts the edge-lighting LED system will match the CCFL system in terms of price and power consumption in the future,as both companies continue to innovate each of their technologies to improve optical efficiency.
"Previously,Luminus' focus has been on micro display projection applications," says DeAgazio,"But the light extraction features of our MicroLens light guide allow the benefits of the PhlatLight technology to extend to large LCD flat panel displays."
"On top of the large screen LCD TV markets,the company also is targeting the 7-inch markets for DVDs and automotive GPS systems,because everybody wants to get away from CCFL for fragility and light concerns," says DeAgazio.
不过,还有其他的障碍之前,导致边灯完全可以超越ccfls在各方面,”卡尔利切克解释说:“我们并不是要具有相同的功率消耗,我们已与CCFL的系统,这将是迄今较昂贵的太“ ,他说,”即使如此,发光二极管提供了很多的优势,ccfls ,所以最初,我们将集中于地价和高端产品,工作有一些球员谁有兴趣的技术.构思是把重点放在展示技术的优势在什么我们call'killer芯片解决方案' ,说:“卡尔利切克.
“以前,luminus '重点一直是微显示投影的申请,说:” deagazio “ ,但根据提取的特点,我们微透镜导光板允许的好处,该phlatlight技术扩展到大型LCD平板显示器” .
“再加上大屏幕液晶电视市场,该公司亦是针对7英寸的市场,DVD和汽车GPS系统,因为每个人都想摆脱为CCFL的脆弱性和轻的关注,说:” deagazio .