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英语翻译歌词是[ar:unknown][ti:you and me][00:02.20]Yeah,Check it ou

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/03 02:35:01
[ti:you and me]
[00:02.20]Yeah,Check it out ,it's right here
[00:07.22]it's dedicated to the special girl,it's only you and me,gilr,
[00:12.48]Yeah.other people dash,i will be back.
[00:20.52]When i wake up all i can is to feel you.
[00:23.73]when i close my eyes all i see is you .
[00:26.24]As a lay on my bed ,hope u can ,
[00:28.59]just let u know,i was low be here.
[00:30.98]On the very Wednesday as
[00:34.19]Then u first stand in front of me,
[00:36.06]As My body frowns but it did't frown down
[00:38.63]cause Baby for your love
[00:40.11]Didn't i take it around
[00:41.50]Kiss you,i i i k never say goodbye to the nigt
[00:44.67]the night to be home.
[00:46.30]i was just so slow.Thinking about you ,
[00:48.86]Hoping u can take about me as night did.
[00:51.89]I was feeling so good never that good kiddind this in a life time.
[00:56.37]hoping u can be mine and form a team ,baby
[01:02.28]La la la la la la la,you qizee~La la la la la la la
[01:11.06]It only u and me,girl.check it out.
[01:13.12]Duo duo u qiezee guomei
[01:23.29]When the first time that i met u,girl
[01:25.43]u were so cute,i know what to do .
[01:28.89]what should i do to get down with u.
[01:31.40]Love is so true when i found it pull
[01:33.79]All the thing i can do is to think of you.
[01:36.47]i can be the one if u want me to.
[01:39.07]Can u be mine till the end of time,
[01:41.41]I can see it round till u want to be mine
[01:44.28]in my heart its only u and me.
[01:46.47]hoping u would be the one
[01:48.10]be the one to mine and form a team.
[01:50.46]for i don't know what to do,
[01:52.26]all i want to do is to love u too.
[01:54.78]zuo duo me xiduoxi U qizee,guduomqixi
[02:01.06]It only u and me,girl.check it out.
[02:06.24]zuo duo me xiduoxi U qizee,cuoduomeiqilei
[02:15.55]La la la la la la la la la la la la~la la la la la la la~
[ti:you and me]
[00:02.20]Yeah,Check it out ,it's right here / 难道你不知,我的心意.
[00:07.22]it's dedicated to the special girl,it's only you and me,gilr,/献出所有,只为能与你分享,我的姑娘.
[00:12.48]Yeah.other people dash,i will be back./人尽散去,我却不忍离去.
[00:20.52]When i wake up all i can is to feel you./梦醒时分,我却情牵不止.
[00:23.73]when i close my eyes all i see is you ./闭合双眼,挥不去你的身影.
[00:26.24]As a lay on my bed ,hope u can ,/你可知那份辗转难眠,
[00:28.59]just let u know,i was low be here./你可知那份情意绵绵.
[00:30.98]On the very Wednesday as /难忘那个星期三
[00:34.19]Then u first stand in front of me /第一次看见你的倩影
[00:36.06]As My body frowns but it did't frown down /就让我怦然心动、心意难平
[00:38.63]cause Baby for your love / 情难自禁、爱由心生
[00:40.11]Didn't i take it around / 我心迷意乱
[00:41.50]Kiss you,i i i k never say goodbye to the nigt /多么想吻你,那晚却连再见也没说.
[00:44.67]the night to be home./ 深夜归家
[00:46.30]i was just so slow.Thinking about you ,/ 早已深陷思念
[00:48.86]Hoping u can take about me as night did./ 多么想你知道我的这份思念
[00:51.89]I was feeling so good never that good kiddind this in a life time./ 这份从未有过的美好情感
[00:56.37]hoping u can be mine and form a team ,baby / 让我多么想拥你入怀而不再分开
[01:02.28]La la la la la la la,you qizee~La la la la la la la /啦、啦、啦.
[01:11.06]It only u and me,girl.check it out./ 你我真情,见证于天地之间
[01:13.12]Duo duo u qiezee guomei / (这句不是英语,不译)
[01:23.29]When the first time that i met u,girl / 当我第一眼见到你,
[01:25.43]u were so cute,i know what to do ./ 已决意与你心相随
[01:28.89]what should i do to get down with u./ 情相牵
[01:31.40]Love is so true when i found it pull / 真爱引领着我
[01:33.79]All the thing i can do is to think of you./ 对你的思念不可抑止
[01:36.47]i can be the one if u want me to./ 愿伴随你左右
[01:39.07]Can u be mine till the end of time,/而直到天荒地老
[01:41.41]I can see it round till u want to be mine / 这份真情永存心间
[01:44.28]in my heart its only u and me./ 见证你我的承诺
[01:46.47]hoping u would be the one / 愿与你相伴终老
[01:48.10]be the one to mine and form a team./永不分离
[01:50.46]for i don't know what to do,/ 这份爱我已无以言表
[01:52.26]all i want to do is to love u too./ 只有情真意切永相随
[01:54.78]zuo duo me xiduoxi U qizee,guduomqixi (这句不是英语,不译)
[02:01.06]It only u and me,girl.check it 你应知,我的这份情意.
[02:06.24]zuo duo me xiduoxi U qizee,cuoduomeiqilei (这句不是英语,不译)
[02:15.55]La la la la la la la la la la la la~la la la la la la la~/啦、啦、啦.