作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

英语翻译1 这太好吃了,能给我再来点吗这太多了,我恐怕吃不了,你能给我少盛点吗2 你的厨艺太棒了3 我能用一下洗手间吗(

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 01:39:42
1 这太好吃了,能给我再来点吗
2 你的厨艺太棒了
3 我能用一下洗手间吗(家中的)
4 你家有wifi吗,
5 你能带我们出去逛逛吗
6 我想去xx打折店
7 时间不早了,我想睡觉了
8 你能带我参观一下你们的房子吗
9 这是我给你们带来的礼物
10 希望我们可以友好相处
11 再见,我会永远记住你们
it's so delicious,can i have some more?
it's too much for me.i'm afraid i can't finish it. 
you are a fabulous cook.
can i use the bathroom?
how can i get access to your wifi
could you show us around in the neighborhood?
i want to go to XXX 
i think it's time for bed
can you show us around in your house?
it's a gift for you
hope we can get along nicely
goodbye,i'll remember you forever