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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 02:58:55
Tourism industry counting cost
Although the snowstorms have finally abated, the country's tourism industry could take several months to fully recover, a senior official has said.
As a result of the freezing weather, which paralyzed the transport network and crippled power grids across southern China, at least 300,000 tourists, including 60,000 foreigners, have canceled scheduled trips, Shao Qiwei, head of the China National Tourism Administration (CNTA), said in a press release published on Friday. More than 1,600 tourist attractions have been forced to suspend operations, and countless forests, parklands, recreational facilities and other public services for tourists have been ruined, he said."The losses are big," Shao said."Our calculations put the total economic loss to the tourism industry at $6.97 billion yuan ($976 million), as of Feb 9," he said Of the 19 provinces affected by the fierce weather, Guizhou and Hunan were two of the worst hit, Shao said.Tourism revenue in Guizhou during the weeklong Spring Festival was down 63 percent on last year, while Hunan saw its figures slump by 31 percent, he said."Local authorities and tourism companies have started their recovery work, but the effect of the disaster on the market might last for longer than we thought," the press release said.
Many factors will affect the speed at which the industry recovers, Shao said.As well as the time needed to rebuild and repair infrastructure, the confidence of tourists will have to be restored, so that they start thinking about traveling again, he said The zero temperatures not only caused havoc for transport operators, they also froze many people's enthusiasm for traveling anywhere.After analyzing major factors affecting the development of China's tourism industry from 2005-2009, the report presents qualitative and quantitative forecast of the industry. Finally, it provides development strategy and recommendations for the government, enterprises and investors respectively.
由于冻结的天气,其中,瘫痪的交通网络和终生残疾的电网横跨南中国,至少有30万游客,其中包括60000名外籍人士,已取消原定行程,邵琪伟,团长,中国国家旅游局(旅游局) ,他说,在一份新闻稿中公布的周五.超过1600个旅游景点已被迫暂停活动,以及数不清的森林,公园,娱乐设施和其他公共服务设施,为游客已毁了,他说:"损失大" ,邵说:"我们的计算,把经济总量损失的,以旅游业为69.70亿元( 976000000美元) ,截至2月9日,"他说,在全国19个省的影响,在激烈的天气,贵州,湖南人的两个受灾最严重的,邵said.tourism收入在贵州期间为期一周的春节下跌了63 % ,去年,而湖南看到其数字下滑了31 % ,他说:"地方当局和旅游公司已经开始在他们的回收工作,但效果这次灾难对市场可能持续较长时间比我们所想象的,"新闻发布.