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英语翻译XXX is suspiciously similar to you as you'd like to be.H

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/04 19:02:09
XXX is suspiciously similar to you as you'd like to be.He may be popular,or he may not,but no matter what he's impossible to ignore; he stands out...just the way you always wanted to.He may have sometimes thought that he was special,or destined for greater things,but probably dismissed the idea as a fantasy.He's come in for his share of hurt,but gotten off with minor damage.And you've been sparing with the free handouts:whatever he gains,he's worked for.
In general,you care deeply about XXX,but you're smart enough to let him stand on his own,without burdening him with your personal fantasies or propping him up with idealization and over-dramatization.XXX is a healthy character with a promising career ahead of him.
XXX is suspiciously similar to you as you'd like to be.He may be popular,or he may not,but no matter what he's impossible to ignore; he stands out...just the way you always wanted to.He may have sometimes thought that he was special,or destined for greater things,but probably dismissed the idea as a fantasy.He's come in for his share of hurt,but gotten off with minor damage.And you've been sparing with the free handouts:whatever he gains,he's worked for.
XXX 很像是你想成为的人.他可能很受欢迎,也可能不受欢迎,但是不论是否受欢迎,他都无疑是一个引人注目的人物.他很出众.就像你想成为的那样.或许他也觉得自己很不一般,或许注定要干一番惊天动地的成就,但是可能他很快就会把这种念头当成幻想而打消.他很可能是以分担伤痛的方式走进你的生活,但他离开的时候也会造成轻微的伤害.你已经注定要和这个免费的“公众人物”共度时光了:无论他拥有什么,无论他追求什么.
In general,you care deeply about XXX,but you're smart enough to let him stand on his own,without burdening him with your personal fantasies or propping him up with idealization and over-dramatization.XXX is a healthy character with a promising career ahead of him.