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英语翻译(年龄) 今年自己已经十九岁了,想想自己这些年过的好快.这么久以来从来没有把自己真正的当做一个成年人来看.在各种

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 05:11:15
(年龄) 今年自己已经十九岁了,想想自己这些年过的好快.这么久以来从来没有把自己真正的当做一个成年人来看.在各种问题上总是会很幼稚,很无知.还没有从小孩子那种心里里面走出来.这样很不好的我知道.因为在大学的时间已经没有多少了,自己马上就要走出学校去往社会了.很多事情都不是现在的我能够处理或者承受的,我必须让自己变的成熟起来,可能所谓的年龄一直以来在我看来都只是一个概念没有实际的意义.但是随着时间的积累,很多事情让我明白,年龄不是只有一点点的加起来那么简单.是一个人成长的标记,一个人慢慢从小孩到大人的蜕变.这就是年龄的意义.
kinda hard to believe, but it's been 19 years since i was
brought into this world... How time flashes by! So far I've never seen
myself as an adult and accordingly act so unsophisticated when faced with all sorts
of problems in life. I'm aware of how bad it is to always remain
"ungrown-up", as my final school year is coming to an end, and soon I'll
have to get outa school and find myself in the big wild world outside. I
will encounter many problems that I may find too hard to handle, and I
must force myself to grow up. All along, it seems to me that age is
nothting but a meanless notion. However, as time goes by, experience has
taught me that age is simply more than a number that grows each year,
it serves as a benchmark of an individual's evolution, development. It records the process of a person's metamorphasis from a boy to a man. That is what age means.