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英语翻译In a recent article on the Canadian general anti-avoidan

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/13 13:24:41
In a recent article on the Canadian general anti-avoidance rule (GAAR),Tim Edgar defines tax avoidance “in its broadest (and perhaps most simplistic sense)” as “any change in behaviour that occurs as a response to the change in price of particular activities,assets or transactions occasioned by the imposition of taxation”.From this perspective,he explains,distinctions between tax avoidance and tax evasion represent “differences in degree rather than differences in kind” while any distinction between acceptable and abusive tax avoidance is “hopelessly unclear”.
Based as they are on a purely consequentialist and economic understanding of tax avoidance,these conclusions have limited relevance to the realm of tax law,which traditionally distinguishes illegal tax evasion from legal but unacceptable tax avoidance,and unacceptable or abusive tax avoidance from permissible tax planning or tax minimisation.According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD),for example,tax “evasion” involves “illegal arrangements through or by means of which liability to tax is hidden or ignored” as a consequence of which “the taxpayer pays less tax than he is legally obligated to pay by hiding income or information from the tax authorities”,while tax “avoidance” constitutes “an arrangement of a taxpayer’s affairs that is intended to reduce his liability and that although the arrangement could be strictly legal it is usually in contradiction with the intent of the law it purports to follow”.In contrast,“tax planning” is defined as the “arrangement of a person’s business and/or private affairs in order to minimize tax liability”.