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求高手翻译成英文 很重要 拜托了 谢谢! 不要机翻

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 01:13:06
求高手翻译成英文 很重要 拜托了 谢谢! 不要机翻
英语 里 的“lion(狮子)”有着丰富的文化内涵,狮子的形象是勇敢、有气势、威严的,被喻为百兽之王,因此便有“a
lion heart(勇士),
"majestic as a lion(像狮子一样雄伟)","a literary
lion(文学界的名人)”等用语.英国人以狮子作为自己国家的象征," The British lion”即指英国.在中华民族文化中,狮子却没有这么丰富的内涵,能引起类似联想的则是“tiger(老虎)”.在中华民族看来,老虎才是百兽之王,用老虎来形容勇猛、威武一点不为过.
In the English "lion (the Lion)" has a wealth of culture,lion's image is brave,powerful,commanding,was hailed as the King of beasts,"a lion heart (Warrior)," majestic as a lion (as majestic as a lion) "," a literary lion (literary celebrities) "terms.British lion as a symbol of their own country,"The British lion" means the United Kingdom.In Chinese culture,the Lions were not so rich connotations,can cause a similar association is "Tiger (Tiger)".In the view of the Chinese nation,the Tiger is the King of beasts,described as the Tiger bold,powerful point cannot be overemphasized.