作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 01:38:58
1.acid test
2.green with envy
3.babe in the woods
4.last but not least
5.beginner's luck
6.laughing like a hyena
7.black as pitch
8.a needle in a haystack
9.blind as a bat
10.point with pride
11.brought back to reality
12.ripe old age
13.sadder but wiser
14.crack of dawn
15.shoot yourself in the foot
16.cry over spilt milk
17.sleep like a dog
18.dog-eat-dog world
19.slowly but surely
20.don't count your chickens
22.straw that broke the camel's back
23.few and far between
24.tender age
25.flash in the pan
26.white as a sheet/ghost
27.gentle as a lamb
1.acid test 药物试验(acid test),
2.green with envy是个固定词组,表示“十分嫉妒”.
3.babe in the woods:初出茅庐的人
4.last but not least (最后,但不是最不重要的),这是老外的一个口语使用习惯,就像中文的最后一样.not the least没有什么意义,不过也可以理解为不是不重要.
5.Beginner's Luck (2001的一部外国电影名),另外Beginner's Luck 是中国经典的武侠《东邪西毒》的英文名,这里面有介绍,可以看看:)
6.laughing like a hyena (疯狂的笑)
7.black as pitch (漆黑)
8.a needle in a haystack(海底捞针)
haystack是「大干草堆」之意,find a needle in a stack of needles这句话的意思就是「海底捞针」,
9.blind as a bat(有眼无珠) ,bat 成了睁眼瞎的典型形象.blind as a bat(瞎得跟编幅一样,眼力不行,有眼无珠),
10.point with pride(充满自豪感)
11.brought back to reality(使某人面对现实)
12.ripe old age(老当益壮)
Toast Red Wine for a Ripe Old Age
13.sadder but wiser 越抑郁越明智.也就是说,抑郁的人对现实的分析更清楚.
14.crack of dawn“破晓时分”,就是凌晨三四点钟左右.
15.shoot yourself in the foot字面意思是(自作自受)意译是“自立发展”.
16.cry over spilt milk 不要做无益的后悔.
17.sleep like a dog睡得死沉.
18.dog-eat-dog world“竞争剧烈,弱肉强食的世界”
19.slowly but surely 稳扎稳打
20.don't count your chickens别打如意算盘.
完整的句子是:Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.小鸡未孵出前,数也没用;别打如意算盘.
21.state-of-the-art 字面上的意思是「某人的宿命会成为……∕做某事」,也就是「某人一定会成为……∕做某事」的意思.(美国现在今年最流行的词汇)
22.straw that broke the camel's back“致命的一击”.
23.few and far between (不长的).说长不长,说短不短(的时光)
24.tender age敏感的年龄(还可以指“童年”)
25.flash in the pan(昙花一现)
26.white as a sheet/ghost(面色苍/发白 )惊吓过度
27.gentle as a lamb(性情温和)(像羊羔一样)