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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 19:57:31
Thieves sometimes try using artworks as collateral for other underworld deals. The masterminds of the 1986 robbery of Russborough House near Dublin, who stole 18 paintings, tried in vain to trade them for Irish Republican Army members held in British jails.Others demand a ransom from the museum that owns the pictures. Ten years ago, thieves in Frankfurt, Germany, made off with two major works by J.M.W. Turner from the Tate Gallery in London. The paintings, worth more than $80 million, were recovered in 2002 after the Tate paid more than $5 million to people having "information" about their paintings.Though ransom is illegal in Britain, money for looking into a case is not, provided that police agree the source of the information is unconnected to the crime. All the same, where information money ends and ransom begins is often a gray area.
有时候贼会尝试着做一些艺术品的暗黑交易.1986年的都柏林的Russborough House的抢劫案的策划者,盗窃了18副油画,本来打算把它们卖给英国监狱组建的爱尔兰共和军,但失败了.其他人向拥有这些画的博物馆索要赎金.十年前,德国法兰克福的贼,从伦敦的Tate 画廊的盗窃了两幅J.M.W.Turner的作品潜逃.tate偿付了5000000多美元给提供油画消息的人,然后这些价值80000000美元的画终于在2002年失而复得,虽然在英国赎金是不合法的,但是如果警局认同这些消息来源与罪案无关的话,这些用于调查的钱就不是非法的了.不管怎么说,哪里有赎金,哪里就有信息费,它们经常处于灰色地带.