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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/05 22:44:00
I'll always remember what LiYuanNi said,when missing,just know what is missing!
In the past ,I often consider myself always right,I will be a adult.in fact,in the short sixteen years pass by which i lived,I have little experience.at least,I don't know the meaning of treasure.But the movie first let me know,cherish what you have.
vegetables in small bowls,tropical fish in fish bowls,the Loving couple,the Peace and happy family All good things can be change into nothing with the little shake of the earth.when the all things passed,We can accuse the god is unjust,and we deplore the everything we lost ,But all this is firmly in our hands,we ever so cherish them?
Since the day from birth and that doomed our end is death,so We should cherish our life and gentel with others,live the value and meaning of every day.
Now this colourful world of society,is full of utility,it is cold,numbness of the world seemed has forgotten the true feelings - affection.I don't know whether you felt the deeply love in this movie,but I really touched by the sincere affection.This movie let us touch with the true feelings collective memory again.the instinct of A mother ,the fondly of two children,,the real sentiments of few families.
It gives us who haven't experienced those great catastrophes,irrigate our greenhouse flowers' heart.but still i have to say ,this"23 seconds,32 years" story,is really touched all people.It told everybody,give people the ability to out of the heart of the shackles,it is a kind of love.
The 《tangshan earthquake》moved us deeply,because it is a movie which called love.Whether we should sit down to think,how long haven't we take care of our family.
英语翻译我会永远记住李元妮说的,没了,才知道什么叫没了!以前的我总是自以为,我是一个行将成年的人.其实在我生活过的短短十 英语翻译没了,才知道什么叫没了 这句在电影里的翻译谁能告诉我下 英语翻译好久没联系了.过得好吗.我知道我是多问了.没有我的日子你肯定会过得很好.忘不了你.雪.当我难过的时候,我总会想到 我是一个自尊心很强的人,其实我对别人有很多话要说,但是一到嘴边就什么都没了~小时候我被别人欺负,我也没有告诉过家人.现在 英语翻译我有一个好朋友,叫yuanliya!她是个女孩子,她很友善,是个可爱的女孩子.记得在以前,我遇到了困难,她总是会 从雅思5.一个月我是在外国呆了一年喇 其实我没考过雅思 但是老师说我有5.5的水平了 但是因为我语言module的一个作 英语翻译感觉你很好 感觉自己太差 我从来没想过能跟一个这样的人在一起 真的很谢谢你 我会一生都记住的 我不知道你是否认真 英语翻译其实不想离开,但却不得不离开.我失去了你们的笑脸,但我会永远记住你们,希望你们也是如此. 海南鱼类在海南看到一种鱼,以前没见过,不知道叫什么鱼,像身上长毛了似的,我发个图, 英语翻译究竟是我在玩弄世界还是世界玩弄了我?这样的残缺不堪,已经不是以前的我.我爱的人,那个我很爱的人,永远也不会知道这 英语翻译我是钟嘉欣.大家之前可能都不知道我是钟嘉欣.我也一直没告诉大家.这么久了,我今天才发表了我的身份大家不要见怪.我 英语翻译也许你没发现其实我是个外向的人.我是个梦想家,但是我不是什么都不做.嗯,我也是个吃货.我喜欢的太多了,根本无法描