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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 10:02:12
I woke up late today and my whole body was aching! I told my mom and mom found out that I also had fever. She took me to the hospital and we saw so many people waiting outside of the emergency room. I was told that there is flu going on. I realized that maybe I caught it from someone at the movie theater yesterday. I should be more careful next time when I go out. My family went out for a Japanese dinner today. We went to the famous one located in the center of our city. We got there around 6:30 pm and saw many people were sitting at the reception area. After talking to the girl there, we found out that people usually make a reservation before them come as it always is busy this restaurant. We ended up wait for about one hour before we sat down. What a waste! I went to Li Ming's home for a study group today. There were 4 people in our group. Wang Yan, Zhang Peng, Li Ming and I. We studied for our math homework for about one hour and played a little bit English games after. I met a new friend at my classmate's home today. His name is Wang Jian. He is 19 year old and a freshman at an university in Shanghai. We have so much in common and talked a lot about our families, hobbies and studies as well. I went hiking with my friends yesterday. We went to the one not too far from the Mount White. It was very beautiful place for hiking. Because it was a very nice day yesterday, there were so many people hiking there. We hiked about 4 kilometers from the starting point and decided to return. I am very tired, but I am happy. My father bought a new 60 inches Samsung HDTV. I normally don’t do a lot at home as my mom always complains that I often make things worse! But I did help my father to assemble the TV today as I wanted to watch it quickly. After we were done, I turned on the TV right way. It has such a beautiful colors and it is very clear. It will be fantastic for sport I think! I spent all day today to catch up with my homework. I like study, but one thing I don’t like is there is always too much homework that we have to do even on our holidays. I heard a friend of mind from Canada that students are rarely given homework in elementary school and only a little homework in high school, so students there have so much free time than us. I hope our education system will change! I was woken up by a noise from the living room. I looked at my watch, holly cow, it’s almost 7:30. I slept in this morning again. It’s Chinese New Year today. My mom told me to get up early in the morning so I could go to my neighbor’s place to wish them Happy New Year! I quickly got up and washed my face and run without anything. I went to my best friend’s home today, and we spent a few hours on playing computer games. Although I know it’s not good for me to do that, but I felt great. To prevent from being blamed by my mom, I told her that I would go to a study group and took my backpack with me. Well, what could I do after so much time spent on homework every day! I experienced something today which made very upset! When I was taking a bus to my friend's home today, I saw an old person standing there in front of a man who is about at his 30's. The man turned his head towards to the window and pretented he didn't see the old man. I also said something to the young man, but I didn't. I thought I was too young to do that. I felt sorry for the old man all day!