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下面这写话的中文意思u better check them out.these little kids are Non-

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 18:14:51
u better check them out.these little kids are Non-mainstream?***e on they look like circus chicks.are u guys trying to be a Acrobatic Troupe or is it me just thinking too much.If u love body peircing soo much then let me give u a suggestion,how bout get a peircing on ur butt crack.whats it suppose to call?a butt crack peirce?(hahaha ...) my mom didnt tought me very well enough to be a gentle lady.but atlease we know the difference between clowns go take a look urself in the merrior.what do u see?u see a clown.
下面的是电脑翻译的,不太通顺,将就这看吧 你还是检查出来.这些小的孩子,都是非主流?*** E对他们喜欢看马戏团小鸡.u人是想成为杂技团 抑或是我只是想得太多.如果u爱身体peircing洙多 然后让我给ü的建议,如何布特获得一个回合对接裂纹peircing.whats它想打电话?一屁股裂缝皮尔斯?(hahaha ...) 我妈妈didn't tought我非常好,足以 是一个温柔的女人.但我们知道atlease小丑之间的区别 去参加在merrior看看urself.ü看到什么?ü看到一个小丑.