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carbohydrate intake

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 09:59:53
carbohydrate intake
It is evident that well-planned and well-organized change may benefit us physically,psychologically and professionally.First of all,new discoveries in the medical arena justify specific changes in people’s daily habits.For instance, Secondly,more often than not,the final decision to make changes to a disturbing situation generates positive psychological effects.Apparently,people feel relieved when the possibility of eliminating a depressing thing (such as addition to video games) arises,even when this requires some endeavor and commitment.Thirdly,for those who tied down with an unfulfilling job,a career change can be translated into more diverse experience with new managerial styles,better collegiality and more financial reward.
atkins diet 是一种减肥饮食 完全不食carbohydrate
按上边说 发现这种饮食 有严重副作用
所以本来采用这种饮食的人 改变了carbohydrate摄入量
从而避免了副作用 从而救命了..
carbohydrate 理解成糖就可以了
这个 这个 中学生作文吧 逻辑真诡异..