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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/02 20:01:51
You Must Motivate Yourself!
The world is full of people who are waiting for someone to come along and motivate them to be the kind of people they wish they could be.The problem is that no one is coming to the rescue,you must motivate yourself.
Resolve to Remain Positive
No matter how you really feel at the moment or what is happening in your life,resolve to remain cheerful,optimistic and positive .When people ask you how you are,always tell them,"I feel terrific!"It has been said that you should never share your problems with others because 80 percent of people don't care about your problems anyway,and the other 20 percent are kind of glad that you've got problems in the first place!
再问: 看清楚题目,让你写时间
再答: The Value of Time Directions: You are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic The Value of Time. You must write at least 120 words and base your composition on the following instructions. 1.时间是宝贵的。 2.我们不应浪费时间。 3.应利用时间做有意义的事。 The Value of Time Time is precious. A famous Chinese saying goes like this, "Time can not be purchased with gold." Time is so valuable that nothing can buy it. So it's a big pity if we waste time. The lost time can't come back. Life is limited, which is just as long as several decades. So we shouldn't waste time. We must realize that wasting time means wasting our lives. Unfortunately, although people know the value of time, they have been always wasting time. Some people squander even all their time watching TV, surfing on the Internet, playing video games and so on. As a result, they fail to do anything well. Time is our wealth. Therefore, we should make good use of time to do meaningful things, such as studying, working, doing exercises, instead of lying in bed, looking at the ceiling, In short, we should devote our' time to the realization of our dreams and thus make contributions to our society. 1时间是宝贵的。 2我们不应浪费时间。 3应利用时间做有意义的事。 时间的价值 时间是宝贵的。中国著名的谚语说,“时间不可以购买黄金。”时间是如此珍贵,什么都能买它。因此'一大遗憾如果我们浪费时间。失去的时间可以'回不来了。生命是有限的,而只要几十年。所以我们不应该浪费时间'。我们必须认识到浪费时间就是浪费自己的生命。 不幸的是,尽管人们知道时间的珍贵,他们也在浪费时间。一些人浪费时间看电视,上网,玩游戏等等。因此,他们不能做任何事情,嗯。 时间是我们的财富。因此,我们应该充分利用时间做些有意义的事情,比如学习,工作,做练习,而不是躺在床上,看着天花板,总之,我们应该把我们的'时间来实现我们的梦想,从而为社会多做贡献。