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急!跪求英语文章的翻译:Value Investing and Financial Statement Analysis

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 07:32:40
急!跪求英语文章的翻译:Value Investing and Financial Statement Analysis
ⅤRisk or Mispricing
  The empirical results so far support the view that markets fail to impound fully the information in fundamental signals. To check robustness, this study examined F_SCORE and risk, and examined two risk measures: b and total return volatility.
  I calculate b using monthly returns for 60 months before preceding portfolio formation. Using 60 months of return data decreases the sample number from 10, 385 to 9672. We see from Panel A of Table 10 that F_SCORE is negatively related to b for all firms, high BM firms, and low BM firms. For all firms, an F_SCORE 0 portfolio has a mean b of 1.021, while an F_SCORE 3 portfolio has a mean b of 0.920. In addition, the difference between mean b for F_SCORE 0 and F_SCORE 3 is significant.
  I measure total return volatility as the standard deviation of monthly returns for 12 months preceding portfolio formation. This reduces the sample number to 10, 268. The results are demonstrated in Panel B of Table 10. For all firms, high BM firms, and low BM firms, the F_ SCORE is inversely related to total return volatility.
  It seems reasonable to conclude that markets fail to impound fully the information in fundamental signals because the relation between F_SCORE and risk is not positive6 . In other words, it is not a risk view, but a mispricing view that explains the abnormal returns gained by the investment strategy using F_SCORE.
风险或错误定价的实证结果到目前为止支持认为,市场不完全信息的基本信号扣押.检查的鲁棒性,本研究f_score和风险,并研究了两种风险的措施:B和总收益波动.我计算B的每月回报的前60个月前组合形成.使用返回的数据60个月减少样本数从10,385到9672.我们看到的从面板一表10,f_score呈负相关,B为所有fiRMS,高BMfiRMS,和较低的BMfiRMS.所有fiRMS,一f_score 0组合有一个B的平均1.021,而f_score 3组合的平均B 0.920.此外,二ff分之间的平均B 0和3 f_score f_score显著fi斜面.我衡量总收益波动对投资组合形成的前12个月的月度回报率的标准差.这减少了样本数为10,268.结果在表10的B小组展示.所有fiRMS,高BMfiRMS,和较低的BMfiRMS,这f_评分是总收益波动率成反比关系.它似乎合理的结论,市场不完全信息的扣押基本信号由于f_score和风险之间的关系是不positive6.换句话说,这不是一个风险的看法,但一个错误的观点,阐述了利用f_score投资策略获得异常报酬.