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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/30 19:04:53
  上世纪20年代初,当时的国际大学生组织就已开始计划举办世界大学生运动会.1923年5月,在巴黎召开了世界大学生体育代表大会,会议决定次年举行第一届国际大学生运动会.1924年,首届国际大学生运动会(International Universities' Games)在华沙举行,设田径、游泳和击剑3个比赛项目.此后,运动会不定期举办,至1939年共举办了8届.后因第二次世界大战运动会被迫中断,1947年恢复举行.但从1951年起因国际形势的变化,分裂成东西方两个运动会,西方的名为"国际学生体育运动会",东方的叫"青年学生运动会"或"青年友好运动会".两个阵营各自组织和举办自己的大学生运动会.
  As a sacred symbol,the fire's history can be traced back to prehistoric.A fire in the Greek history represents creation and regeneration and bright.In Greek mythology,the fire is the sacred symbol,HeFei stowe,Prometheus steal from Zeus hand gifts to the human gift.The center of the ancient Greek city-states in each,there is a burning torch altars,and long out city residents also has long out every household in flame,enshrined hestia and.The torch relay in Greece is the earliest as a religious ceremony held at night,after soon gets turned up first in adolescents from a group of athletic sports,and eventually became the most popular sports one of ancient Greece.In ancient Olympia's hall is a sacrifice Hess mention the altars,and the altar of the flame is to use the concave mirror disk or sunshine lit focus.Flame never extinguished.The process of collecting the flame is very simple,but can give a person leave deep impression.Sag can be smooth flat sunlight together to focus,high priestess will torch out into focus place,can will it ignites.The ancient greeks held a torch relay race,participants must carry the torch to the end.Ancient Greek torch relay religious ceremony is held every four years with memorial goddess Athena.The flame with the forces from a torch the fastest way to convey.The starting point of the relay is prospero hughes,altars,rice set in ancient Athens end point was the goddess Athena acropolis altar.When the torch relay by 40 tribes from 10 Athens and the whole process of youth to complete total 2.5 kilometers.Modern Olympic torch re-lighting ceremony,but also the same with ancient Greek by female priests in Olympia,and read athletes vow.torch
  Then the Olympic flame will be awarded the first torchbearer,it also marks the formal start of the torch relay.So far,the Olympic torch relay power still affected impress millions of heart.