作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

初三英语遣词造句1 can lend book?2 Maria wash 3 late school because b

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 13:47:30
1 can lend book?
2 Maria wash
3 late school because broken
4 let borrow
5 earth around sun
6 favorite fruit banana
7 let's to tomorrow zoo
8 children plant now
9 noise harmful our health
10 great changes take place my hometown recently
11 newspaper table
12 my brother work
13 they travel tomorrow
14 girl mean
15 have class now
16 my favourite english
17 they meet gate zoo
18 can you tell way?
19 Miss yang teacher
20 twice a week
1、Can you lend me the book?能借我这本书吗?
2、Maria is washing now?Maria现在正在洗东西.
3、He was late for school because his bike was broken.他迟到因为自行车坏了.
4、Let him borrow me some money.让他借我点钱吧.
5The earth travels around the sun.地球绕着太阳转.
6、My favorite fruit is banana.我最爱的水果是香蕉.
7、Let's go to zoo tomorrow.让我们明天去动物园吧.
8、The children are planting now.孩子们正在植树.
9、Noise is harmful to our health.噪音对我们身体有害.
10、Great changes have taken place in my hometown recently.最近我们的家乡发生了巨大的变化.
11、A lot of magazines are on the newspaper table.许多杂志在报台上.
12、My brother works in a factoryl我兄弟在工厂上班.
13、They will travel tomorrow.他们明天要去旅行.
14、Generally speaking ,girls are mean.一般来说,女孩要小气一些.
15、We are having English now.我们现在正在上英语课.
16、My favorite subject is English.我最喜欢的课是英语课.
17、They will meet at the gate of the zoo tomorrow.他们明天将会在动物园门口会和.
18、Can you tell me the way to the post office 可以告诉我去邮局的路吗?
19、Miss yang is my Chinese teacher.杨老师是我们的语文老师.
20、We have P.E twice a week.体育课我们每个星期上两次.