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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/19 01:15:21
我曾经尝试过用一些习惯性的事情来把时间进行过滤和过度,例如从早晨起床到上班这段时间里,利用洗脸 吃饭等习惯性的事情把自己从困意中挣脱出来,同时也是对心情的一个释放,有利于白天的工作.就像这样的过度方法,我们可以用相同性质的时间去阅读,去丰富自己.
Lu xun once said:"time is like the water in sponge,more crowded more."
For me this just enter the society for the youth,still has a long way to go!As luxun said,time is like the water in sponge,the key is to see how you're going to reasonable allocation and utilization.In this period of JiMin day,I deeply feel oneself knowledge barren,so often after work,I will dominate of free time to reading,to enrich oneself!In the long time distribution time,I summarized the little experience,hope to share with everybody together;
Time "excessive" method
I've ever tried to use some habitual things to take time for filtering and excessive,for example from morning to go to work this time,use face dining etc habitual things from his trapped expected to break out,is also a mood,to the day of work is released.As such,we can use excessive method same properties of time to read,to enrich themselves.
Life "incentive" method
The doctor told us that ordinary people if not too long time sleep,also can keep working and the passion for life,there are many people in the evening,when took a long time to choose the sleep,then I'm not,I don't want to let oneself life the most of the time in bed moderate!So,before you go to sleep at night,I would choose to read,read some good,touching article,let oneself read a work and life preserving passion and roaming longings!
In fact,our time is watching you how to reasonable allocation and grasp use!So,our time is really like the water in sponge,more crowded more!
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