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英语翻译Joseph Haydn was born in a tiny Austrian vii..1age.His f

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 03:54:37
Joseph Haydn was born in a tiny Austrian vii..
1age.His father made wagon wheels,and until the
age of six,Haydn’s musical background consisted
of folksongs his father loved to sing and the peas—
ant dances that whirled around him on festive Oc.
casions.Haydn’s eager response to m usic was
recognized,and he was sent to live with a relative
who gave him basic music lessons for two years.
At eight,he went to Vien na to serve as a choirboy
in the Cathedral of St.Stephen.There,though his
good voice was appreciated,he had no chance for
composition lessons or for perfecting an instru..
mental technique.And when his voice changed,
Haydn was dismissed from St.Stephen’s and
turned out on the street without a penny.He man.
aged to stay alive by giving music lessons to chil-.
dren for about eight years.Throughout those years
he struggled to teach himself composition and a1-.
so took odd jobs,including playing violin in the
popular Viennese street bands that offered eve-.
ning entertainment.
Gradually,aristocratic patrons of music began to
notice Haydn’s talent.For a brief time he was music
director at the court of Bohemian count.but the Or-
chestra was dissolved beca use of h is patron’s fi na n.
cial problems.At the age of twenty-nine.Haydn’s
Iife changed for the better.forever.
In 1 761,Haydn entered the service of the Es.
terhazys,which was the richest and most power-
ful of the noble Hungarian families.As a highlV
skilled servant,Haydn composed most of his mu.
sic for performances in the palaces of the family.
He was to compose all the music requested by his
patron,conduct an orchestra of about twenty.five
players,coach s angers,and oversee the condition
ot Instruments and the operation of the music Ii—
brary.Thought today it seems degrading for a gen.
1US to be dependent on the w川of a prince.in the
eighteenth century patronage was taken for gran..
ted.Composers had definite advantages in that
they received a steady income and their works
were performed.
Over a period of twenty years,Haydn’S mu.
SiC became immensely popular alI over Europe.Af.
ter the death of Prince Nicholas Esterhazy in
1 790,Haydn was free to go to London where a
concert series was planned around his composi..
tiOns.And SO,a servant had become a celebrity·
Rich and honored,Haydn returned to Vienna in
1 795.He died in 1 809 at the age of seventy—seven
when Napoleon’S army occupied Vienna·