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英语高手请进!本人想自学英语,例如“与其说我的英语好还不如说我的作弊水平高”这句话我用金山词霸搜索翻译结果是:Not s

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 13:37:29
本人想自学英语,例如“与其说我的英语好还不如说我的作弊水平高”这句话我用金山词霸搜索翻译结果是:Not so much I might as well say that I am good in English with high levels of cheating . 请问这样写对吗?如果不对,错在哪里?应该怎样说?或者如果我写成:Not so much my English is good better to say my cheating level is supreme.这样对写吗?
I'm sorry! 打错了,应该把“superme”改成“superb ”。
我会用would rather do than do的句型:
I would rather impress my high level of cheating than that of my language ability of English.
Not so much might I say that my english is good, rather my cheating level is awesome.
(不要用superme,我只是在看案例的时候,见国这个字,指最高法院superme court)