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1.be different from/with的区别 2.search等于什么词组?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 02:12:32
1.be different from/with的区别 2.search等于什么词组?
3.at the age of.in ones.at.的区别
4.fill with 等于be full of?
5.hope 与 wish的复合结构
6.all of a sudden 等于什么副词?
7.little a few a bit a lot a lot of几个词组的区别
8.quite a few 等于?
10.be satisfied with 等于什么词组?
11.ought to 等于什么词组 或单词?
准确些更好 因为要考试了,想补充一下知识点!
1. be different from (和...)相异的,不同的(unlike)
例: His opinion is different from ours. 他的意见和我们的不同.
Mary and John are quite different from each other. 玛莉和约翰很不一样.
没有be different with这种用法
2. search 搜查; 在...中搜寻的意思, 跟 look for 相同.
3. at the age of 表示"在……岁时" 相当於" when "
跟 in ones. at. 没有相关啊...谈不上什麼区别
例: He played the piano in public at the age of ten, when he showed his talent in music.
他十岁时就在公共场合表演钢琴演奏, 展现他非凡的音乐天分了.
I used to play tennis there when I was your age. 当我在你这个年纪的时候, 我常在那里打网球.
4. fill with 装满; 填满 fill 在这里是及物动词
例: He filled my glass with beer. 他给我的杯子斟满了啤酒.
fill of 填满的量 fill在这里是作名词
例: Would you like a fill of my tobacco? 你想不想抽一斗我的烟?
5. hope 和 wish
(1) 当动词时, 用法相同:hope/wish + to V
例: I hope/wish to see you again soon. 希望很快再见到你.

hope/wish for + 名词
例: We hope/wish for a better future. 我们期望更好的未来.
(2) 用法不同:
hope/wish + that子句, wish + that 子句 是假设语法,但hope + that 子句 不是.
例: I hope that he will come. 我希望他能来.(究竟来不来还不知道)
I wish that he would come. 我真希望他能来.(确定不会来了)
6. all of a sudden = suddenly
all of a sudden是一个片语,为准副词词组,指"突然地"=suddenly(副词)
例: It was sunny in the morning, but all of a sudden it began to rain.
= It was sunny in the morning, but suddenly it began to rain.
= It was sunny in the morning, but it began to rain suddenly.
7. a few / a little --> 具有肯定的含义,还有一些的意思,勉强够用(positive)
few / little --> 为否定含义,剩没多少,根本不够用(negative)
例: A few visitors were allowed to enter the building.(有几个访客获准进入那栋大楼)
Few visitors were allowed to enter the building.(没几个访客获准进入那栋大楼)
a lot of=lots of 修饰名词,表示许多 後面可接可数名词, 也可接不可数名词
a bit of= a little of
8. quite a few 是表"很多"的意思
例: Quite a few of the students were late. 不少学生迟到了.
9. arrive与reach
当两个都表示"到达", "抵达"的意思时, 用法一样
例: The train will arrive Shanghai at 7 o'clock. 那辆火车将在7点到达上海.
When will they reach Los Angeles? 他们什麼时候抵达洛杉矶?
例: The train finally reached Shanghai after delaying for three hours.
10. be satisfied with 对...感到满意的 不等於什麼词组,但satisfied 是satisfy的过去式, 你应知道.
例: She was satisfied with the results. 她对成绩(结果)感到满意.
或 The results satisfied her. 成绩(结果)令她满意.
11. ought to 跟should, have to, must 意思相近, 但并不完全相同, 要看你用在什麼状况下, 语气强硬的大小为 Must > Have to > Ought to > Should
例: 上司对下属讲话:
You must finish the report by tomorrow morning. 你必须明天一早以前就得把那报告完成.

朋友之间, 同辈之间:
You have to complete the report, or otherwise you'll get fired.
你必须(最好, 得)完成那份报告, 不然你就要被(老板)开除了.

I ought to complete the report. 我得把那份报告完. (虽然可能你未及时完成也不会有什麼不好的後果, 但最好还是完成它.)
I think you should complete the report as soon as possible. 我认为你最好是尽快完成那份报告.
这样详细的解释, 有清楚瞭解了吗?