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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/06 13:08:29
According to astronomer S.A.Phinney,kicking a rock
hard enough to free it from Earth's gravity would require
a meteorite capable of making a crater more than 60 miles
across.Moreover,even if Earth rocks were freed by
meteorite i mpact,Mars's orbit is much larger than
so Phinney estimates that the probability of these rocks
hitting Mars is about one-tenth as great as that of Mars's
rocks hitting Earth.To demonstrate this estimate,Phinney
used a computer to calculate where 1,000 hypothetical
particles would go if ejected from Earth in random
directions.He found that 17 of the 1,000 particles would
hit Mars.
Which of the following,if true,would cast most
doubt on Phinney's esti mate of the
probability of
Earth rocks hitting Mars?A
A Rather than going in random directions,
25 percent of all particles ejected from Earth
go in the same direction into space.
再问: 其他几个选项明显不对,虽然排除法可以做出,可就是不明白A对在哪里
再答: 我的理解是这样的: Phinney认为地球上的石头飞出去到达火星的几率很低,他做了一个实验,有1000块石头随机飞出,17块能命中火星。选项A是说从地球飞出去的石头其方向并不是完全随机的,25%对着一个方向。到这一步,我觉得有点歧义,不知道选项A到底说的是下列解释的哪一种: (1) Phinney的实验不准确,未能设置成完全随机模式 (2)任何时候从地球飞出去的石头都会有25%飞往同一方向。 虽然不能确定,但这两个解释都会削弱 Phinney的结论: 如果是(1),那么实验本身的可靠性有问题; 如果是(2),那么命中火星的数据将有明显差异。 仅供参考吧。
再问: 其实你说的我明白,只是我的意思是,就算A说不是radom飞出去,但也未必就是朝着火星飞过去啊
再答: 我不太懂统计学,但似乎如果是像A说的那样,那么飞往火星的几率就变成了751分之17而不是1000分之17(因为有250块石头飞往同一方向),不知道这么理解对不对,但数字总应该会有差异的。它只是说削弱,并不是驳倒。