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英语阅读理解In America,almost every bookstore sells books about fo

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 23:41:40
In America,almost every bookstore sells books about food and cooking..most newspapers and magazines talk about Americans’ eating habits.(习惯).Many articles write about where to eat.So we can Salads are very popular and are served(供应) all year round.Americans enjoy coffee.Most of them drink coffee or tea before or after every meal.Many Americans have coffee or tea with their meals.The main course(主食) served in American meals is usually meat,fish or chicken,but rarely(稀少地) more than one of these are served at the same meal.Seafood is something served as the first course.Most Americans eat breakfast and lunch quickly,but the evening meal is longer and time for the family to get together.This is main meal in a day.On Sundays or holidays,Americans like to oversleep (睡懒觉).They get up very late in the morning,so they have to eat their brunch (早中饭) 1.In the USA,people can buy books about food and cooking________ A in a food shop
B everywhere
C in most of the bookstores
D in all the bookstores
2.Which statement do you think is right?
A All magazines always talk about Americans’ eating habits.
B To all of Americans eating is very important.
C People in America don’t mind where to eat.
D Most of Americans do like hot food very much.
3.Which of the following is NOT right?
A Americans have salads for each meal.
B Most of Americans drink coffee or tea.
C Not everyone has coffee or tea with meals.
D Seafood may be served as the first course.
4.Most American families________
A spend a long time eating breakfast.
B sometimes get together when they have dinner
C get up early on holidays
D go out for a walk on Sundays.
5.From the article,we can know that_______
A Americans have quite different eating habits from Chinese.
B Chinese eating habits are just the same as those in the USA.
C we must learn from Americans’ eating habits.
D Americans’ eating habits are the best of all in the world
1,C almost every bookstore sells books about food and cooking