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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 22:10:29
1.bridge 2.house 3.tiger 4.elephant 5.panda 6.lion 7.map 8.grass 9.leaf 10.doctor 11.police/policeman 12.hospital 13.nurse 14.camera 15.bird 16.rain 17.snow 18.library 19.bank 20.scarf
1.Canada 2.taxi 3.magazine 4.waiter 5.nerspaper 6.restaurant 7.koala 8.Supermarket 9.money 10.apartment
1.street 2.animals 3.language 4.reporter 5.vacation 6.thieves 7.children 8.weather 9.uniform 10.photo 11.run 12.Australia 13.toy 14.hotel 15.winter
1.hungry 2.quiet 3.dangerous 4.other 5.surprised 6.clean 7.windy 8.lazy 9.smart 10.young
1.warm 2.difficult 3.welcome 4.dirty 5.sunny 6.terrible 7.ugly 8.cloudy
1.for-to 2.across-through 3.in-on 4.at-on 5.of-to
1.from 2.on 3.from 4.between 5.in 6.with 7.with 8.At 9.during 10.from 11.about 12.as 13 at 14.around 15 for
1.wears 2.walk 3.take 4.teaches 5.are studying 6.lives 7.arrive 8.relaxes 9.is talking 10.cooks
1.doesn't come 2.telling 3.write 4.is 5.reading 6.buy 7.to see 8.help 9.sleeps 10.am calling 11.giving 12.to clean 13.waiting 14.looks 15.hope
1在.前面 2.play with 3.有点 4.across from 5.一群 6.go out to dinners/eat out 7.过得愉快 8.on the beach 9.通电话 10.work hard
1.next to 2.the beginning of 3.talking to 4.bank clerk 5.a little 6.Look at 7.taking ;hotos 8.Turn right 9.on vacation 10.work with
1.Are any 2.doesn't have 3.isn't any 4.there is 5.DO have 6.How many students are there ]
1.Is there 2.don't have 3.There are 4.Do have 5.There aren't any/There are no
6.is some 7.Is there 8.has
1.does doing 2.has having 3.swims swimming 4 takes taking 5.gets getting 6.shops shopping 7.teaches teaching 8.waits waiting 9.plays playing 10.sleeps sleeping
1.works 2.is sleeping 3.is singing 4.goes 5.Do play 6.Is cooking 7.are eating 8.gets is cleaning 10.are having
1.Is cleaning 2.Does watch 3.is doing 4.What doing 5.I'm not
1.Ben and Jack are playing basketball
2.Sally's brother is eating bread.
3.Rlbert is talking on the phone .
4.Mike is taking photos
6.Frank is playing comeprter games.
1.How 2.What 3.When 4.Where 5.Why 6.Where 7.What 8.Where 9.What 10.Where 11.What 12.How
再问: 是《Units 3~4 综合能力检测题》
再答: Units 1~3期中综合能力检测题参考答案 听力部分 第一节 1-5 ABBCB 6-10 AACBB 第二节 A. risingB. dirtier C. pollutionD. harmful E. shopping 笔试部分 11-15 BCDCC 16-20 ADBCD 21-25 BCDBA 26-30 DCBDC 31-35 DABCB 36-40 ACDCB 41-45 DCADC 46-50 DDBDC 51. delicious 52. visitors 53. noise 54. pass 55. minutes 56. to take part in 57. try / do our best to 58. It’s, without any help 59. does not belong to 60. Quite a few students One possible version: Dear Jane, Guangzhou is a busy city with a long history. There are many places of interest. You can see beautiful flowers all around the year, so people often call it “Flower City”. Guangzhou is famous for its delicious food. Visitors from around the world can enjoy the delicious dishes here. All these make life in Guangzhou more comfortable and colourful. Guangzhou is a lovely and beautiful city. Welcome to Guangzhou! I hope you can come and enjoy yourself here. Yours, Tom 选做题 1. 6 / six 2. Argentina 3. different 4. car 5. drive 6. travel 7. 12 / twelve 8. least 9. friends 10. enjoyed 第2版参考答案 Unit 1 一、 1. visitors 2. fresh 3. delicious 4. coasts 5. sending 6. relax7. concerts 8. wonderful 9. central 10. restaurant 二、 1. took part in 2. These days, such as 3. get through 4. from place to place 5. millions of 三、 1-5 CABBD Unit 2 一、 1. danger 2. burn 3. rubbish 4. article 5. furniture 6. communicating 7. warns 8. waste 9. destroyed 10. natural 二、 1. cut down 2. start out small 3. stopped him from playing 4. In her opinion 5. did / tried his best 三、 1-5 DDCBC Unit 3 一、 1. minutes 2. useful 3. simple 4. dead 5. blind 6. programme 7. close 8. themselves 9. against 10. smoke 二、 1. belong to 2. Safety first 3. Seconds later, showed up 4. all day 5. went off 三、 1-5 CABBC 第3版参考答案 《任务型阅读》 (A) 1. They make paper and many other things with them. 2. The earth may be full of water in the near future. (B) 1-3 TFT