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英语翻译It is a place whereThose who hate ignoranceMay strive to

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/02 05:59:22
It is a place where
Those who hate ignorance
May strive to know …
Where those who perceive truth
May strive to make others see …
Where seekers and learners alike,
Bonded together in the search for knowledge
Will honor through in all its finer ways …
Will welcome thinkers in distress or exile,
Will uphold ever the dignity of thought and
Learning,and exact standard in all these things.
They give to the young in their impressionable
Years,the bond of lofty purpose shared,
Of a great corporate life
Whose links shall not be loosened until they die.
They give to young people
That close companionship
For which youth longs …
And that chance for endless discussion of themes
Which are endless – without which youth
Would seem a waste of time.
There are few earthy things
More splendid than a university …
t is a place where 它是这样一个地方,在这个地方
Those who hate ignorance 那些痛恨无知愚昧的人
May strive to know …可努力获得真知
Where those who perceive truth 在这个地方,那些发现真知的人
May strive to make others see …可致力于使更多的人获得真知
Where seekers and learners alike,在这个地方,探索者和学习者一样
Bonded together in the search for knowledge 为探索真理而聚在一起
Will honor through in all its finer ways … 在这里,他们将受到更多的尊重
Will welcome thinkers in distress or exile,这里欢迎不得志或者被放逐的思想者
Will uphold ever the dignity of thought and 在这里,他们将撑起思想和学识的尊荣
Learning,and exact standard in all these things.以及明确规定这些事物的标准
They give to the young in their impressionable 他们教会动摇的年轻人
Years,the bond of lofty purpose shared,要有崇高的理想
Of a great corporate life 要懂得团结(向上)
Whose links shall not be loosened until they die.这份连接将持续到他们的逝去
They give to young people 他们给予年轻人
That close companionship 他们真诚的陪伴
For which youth longs …年轻的孩子们期盼着这份相伴
And that chance for endless discussion of themes 他们给予年轻人,一个可以不断地,畅所欲言,探讨各种主题的机会
Which are endless – without which youth 讨论无尽,没有它,年轻人
Would seem a waste of time.就好像在蹉跎光阴
There are few earthy things 世上少有一地
More splendid than a university … 比大学更加绚烂