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求外研版英语报纸答案 总3252期 第二十四期

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 11:06:32
求外研版英语报纸答案 总3252期 第二十四期
Book 8 Modules 1-3
1-5 CBACB 6-10 BABAC
11-15 BACCB 16-20 ACACB
21-25 ACDCB 26-30 DCCDB
31-35 DADBB 36-40 FBDGC
41-45 BCBAD 46-50 CDCBA
51-55 ABCBC 56-60 DBDAD
61. other 62. visiting
63. greater 64. for
65. an 66. will take
67. which / that 68. mostly
69. to cross 70. as
71. ... for him come ... come前加to
72. I think I ... think → thought
73. ... the animal shelter ... the → an
74. ... they have had ... 去掉have
75. ... but the shelter ... but → and
76. ... shelter found him ... him → us
77. ... cried for joys ... joys → joy
78. ... biscuits for him ... for → to
79. ... and playing in ... playing → play
80. ... he is happier ... happier → happy
One possible version:
Dear Charles,
I'm very happy to receive your letter. As for reading, I guess you can call me a “bookworm”. I used to read a lot of romantic stories, but now, I'm interested in biographies. I've read about so many different kinds of people: historical figures, politicians, film stars and so on. They're all inspiring in their own way, but I have to say that my favourite books are modern detective novels. I love it when the plots are really cleverly constructed, especially when you can tell the author has thoroughly researched how modern police work is carried out. Then, you get into it more easily because you feel like you are reading about something that really happened. The best ones are those that keep you guessing right up until the end.
What about you? Please write me back.
Li Hua
21. A.细节理解题.由第一段中的The mother has died可知.
22. C.词义猜测题.由第三段中的The tiny babies must be fed very small amounts, very often及hand-feeding eyedroppers full of liquid food ... she takes over at night可推断,给刚出生的榛睡鼠喂食是一项艰难繁重的工作.故选heavy.
23. D.推理判断题.由第四段中的so the animals can get to know natural materials及They also are able to practice climbing可推断,夫妇俩用细枝和石头帮助榛睡鼠适应野外的生活.
24. C.推理判断题.由倒数第二段末的the dormice are able to find their own food及最后一段中的We're sure that some of them are ‘our babies,’可推断,被释放的榛睡鼠得以在野外生存下来.
25. B.段落大意题.第一段列举了三个考试作弊的例子.故B项正确.
26. D.细节理解题.由第二段中的Everyone interviewed said that cheating was widespread in his or her school可知.
27. C.推理判断题.由第四段中的Teachers need to pay more attention ... they know they won't get caught doing it可推断,Kent Petrino认为老师对学生作弊负有监管不力的责任.
28. C.推理判断题.由最后一段可知,学生作弊从短期来看会影响自己的学业,从长远来看会因为未能掌握实实在在的技能而给自己和社会带来不可估量的损失.故C项正确.
29. D.细节理解题.由第一段中的The ancient Egyptians ... covered their dead with clothing woven with tapestries可知.
30. B.细节理解题.由第二段末的the Bayeux Tapestry is technically no such thing. The pictures are not woven into the tapestry, but rather embroidered on可知.
31. D.细节理解题.由第三段中的the masses could see the pictures of important Biblical events可知,天主教会用挂毯帮助不识字的教会成员了解圣经故事.
32. A.推理判断题.由第四段中的the nobility counted it a privilege and honor to have a tapestry及show their social position可推断,挂毯还被用作身份的象征.
33. D.细节理解题.由第二段末的Terri began talking to him, describing things she saw及第三段中的fireworks make a really great sound. “There is always a different way to experience something可知,Terri帮助失明的Billy通过视觉以外的方式体验周围的事物.
34. B.细节理解题.由第四段末的who gets corrected by Billy when he sings an off note可知,Billy纠正老师音调方面的错误使老师感到尴尬.
35. B.推理判断题.由第五段末的by listening to recordings and telling them what phone number was dialed可推断,Billy运用自己杰出的听觉帮助联邦调查局办案.
36. F.F项与上文的It is cheap, appealing, and within the reach of the general public相呼应,并与下文是转折关系.
37. B.B项与上文的being a couch potato及下文的the average child in America watches 1,680 minutes of television per week相呼应.
38. D.D项与下文的scenes of violence, sex, and drugs相呼应.
39. G.G项与上文的it negatively affects people's mental development相呼应.
40. C.C项与上文的useful activities like exercise, reading, and talking with friends and family相呼应.
41. B.由上文的solve hundreds of crimes可推断,此处说的是“案件(cases)”.
42. C.Nella的信息帮助警察找到罪犯,故此处填criminals.
43. B.由下文的for her “invaluable” help可推断,警方向她表示“感谢(thankfulness)”.
44. A.Nella帮助警方抓住罪犯,故选catching.
45. D.由下文的visions that told her the painting was in a cemetery可推断,油画被盗窃了.故填theft.
46. C.由下文的undamaged and wrapped in newspaper, in St. Bartholomew's churchyard可知,警察“找到了(found)”被盗的油画.
47. D.48. C.由下文的Since then, Ms Jones has helped solve various murders ... 可推断,Nella成功帮警方找到油画的消息传开后,很快其他的“警察(police officers)”也来问Nella是否可以“帮忙(help out)”.
49. B.由下文的have to pick up the pain of the victims可推断,Nella有时感觉很“糟糕(awful)”.
50. A.为帮助破案,Nella“常常(often)”不得不体验受害人的痛苦.
51. A.由下文的but a curse可推断,Nella有时认为她的特异功能不是一种“天赋(gift)”.
52. B.由本段末的turned out to be the murderer可推断,有人“杀死了(killed)”一位老太婆.
53. C.由下文的sold the garage owners a red car可知.
54. B.警方调查“表明(showed)”一名男子近来卖给汽车修理厂主人一辆红色的车.
55. C.由第一段末的her “invaluable” help可知.
56. D.由上文可知Arnie Cooke肯定了Nella对警方破案的帮助,据此可推断,他认为人们应该对特异功能持“开放的(open)”思想.
57. B.58. D.Arnie Cooke认为,不遵循Nella提供的线索是“愚蠢的(stupid)”行为,“因为(because)”有很多不可思议的事情确实发生了.
59. A.Nella认为每个人生来都具有类似她特异功能的“能力(abilities)”.
60. D.Nella帮助警方破案是为社会做贡献.故选society.
61. other.考查代词.文中提到的British teenagers指的是Nigel Portman以外的其他青少年,故填other.
62. visiting.考查非谓语动词.he与visit之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且visit所表示的动作与谓语动词left所表示的动作同时发生,故用动词-ing形式短语作状语.
63. greater.考查比较等级.设空处所在句用了“the +比较级 ..., the +比较级 ...”结构,故填greater.
64. for.考查介词.a desire for表示“对……的渴望”.
65. an.考查冠词.come to an end 意为“结束”.
66. will take.考查时态.由主句谓语is just about to可知,在此用一般将来时.
67. which / that.考查关系词.设空处引导限制性定语从句修饰先行词transport,且在从句中作主语,故填which / that.
68. mostly.考查副词.设空处修饰动词relying,故填mostly.
69. to cross.考查非谓语动词.cross所表示的动作尚未发生,故用动词不定式作后置定语,又因there be句型中修饰名词的不定式常用主动形式表示被动意义,故填to cross.
70. as.考查介词.as well as 为固定搭配,意为“除……之外”.


I. 1-5 CADBA
II. 1-5 BACAC 6-10 BAACD
11-15 DABDA 16-20 CADBB
1. C.细节理解题.由第一段中的In a new paper, Roman and a team of biologists have discovered that whales have a powerful and positive influence on ... the health of commercial fisheries可知C项正确.
2. A.细节理解题.由第二段中的Baleen and sperm whales, known collectively as the “great whales,”可知,长须鲸属于大鲸鱼,故选A项.
3. D.细节理解题.由第三段中的They do this by feeding at depth and releasing feces near the surface ... an amazing process described as a “whale pump”可知,它指的是鲸鱼在深海和水面附近的活动过程,故选D项.
4. B.推理判断题.由最后一段中的whale recovery could lead to higher rates of productivity in locations where whales get together to feed and give birth可知,鲸鱼数量的恢复对渔民们来说是个好消息,所以Joe Roman很可能会认同B项说法.
5. A.主旨大意题.总览全文可知,文章主要介绍了鲸鱼对于促进海洋生态平衡所起的积极作用,故选A项.
1. B.发短信息是当今青少年最常用的“交流(communication)”方式.本文首尾呼应,最后一段中的communicating和communication也是提示.
2. A.本句前后两部分为转折关系,convenient 和 fun是其优点,故后面部分是说虽然如此,并非人人都“赞成(in favor of)”它.
3. C.有些老师认为发短信息使学生不能“正确地(correctly)”写作.下文的correct grammar and spelling是提示.
4. A.由上一句Some teachers ... preventing students from ... 以及本句中的并列连词And可知,有些老板“抱怨(complain)”员工上班期间发短信.
5. C.由employers和employees可知应填work.
6. B.本句仍是人们不赞成发短信息的例子,即经常使用它的人发现很“难(hard)”再转换到正确的语法和拼写上.
7. A.本句起承上启下的作用.本段接着上一段的末句,讲发短信息的发展,本句讲它是如何“开始(started with)”的.
8. A.由举例可知是减去一些“不必要的(unnecessary)”部分.
9. C.“缩短的(Shortened)”形式慢慢地成为常规形式.
10. D.由下文的today it is like a real language和growth可知,发短信变得越来越流行.
11. D.由冒号后的内容可知是一个“问题(question)”.
12. A.由下一段列举两种不同的观点可知,此处是说手机短信用语的流行会不会使学生的写作技能“受到损害(suffer)”?
13. B.由下文的Some feel ... Others say ... 可知,教育专家们在这个问题上的观点不尽相同.
14. D.writing和texting都是学生“表达(express)”自己的方式.
15. A.Others say there is ... 是与上句不同的观点:其他的一些教育专家认为几乎没有“证据(evidence)”表明发短信对学生在校使用的语言不利.
16. C.17. A.一些教育专家认为学生能把简化的短信息和正确的书写 “区分开(separate)”来.
18. D.根据下文的举例可知,教育专家建议将发短信作为一种利于学习的“工具(tool)”.
19. B.发短信是一种学生熟悉的“科技(technology)”.
20. B.根据they must use correct grammar and spelling可知,学生需用一种“适合(proper)”学校学习的语言进行交流.