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英语翻译Feeling in snowAs soon as I walked outside ,I was greete

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 22:59:06
Feeling in snow
As soon as I walked outside ,I was greeted with the shimmering white blanket of cold .Despite the chill overwhelming my skin ,inside I was warm .I felt as though I could be giving off heat ; I had the desire to stay out in this freeze for hours .It was the type of day that speaks to you through its elements ; I took a deep breath to hear more snow was coming .
As I walked looked up ,trying to realize what made this day so beautiful ,so serene .It was as if time had been put temporarily on hold and I along with it .Or maybe I was the only one unpaused … Either way ,the solitude was comforting ,and I sensed myself floating away .I sat down on the edge of a curb and listened .All there was to hear was the wind rushing over the top of my head and circling some old ,cracking leaves some yards away .To me it was the reassuring sound of nature ,trying not to be forgotten .
It did start to snow .None of these little flurries ,but big ,fat flakes which clung immediately to their surface.
Then it was time to go and my reverie had to end .As I began walking again ,I drifted back into this time frame ,calm and cleared .
Now if only I could remember where I was going .
Aesthetes’ Artform
Aesthetic perspectives may vary ,but all pursue beauty .Peking Opera is the artform of aesthetes .
In the Peking Opera “Su San Qi Jie”(Su San compelled to wear a Cangue) ,the heroine ,Su San ,is a comely ,moral ,kindhearted prostitute .She is framed for a crime she did not commit and sent to the provincial captical under under escort for trial .Although a prisoner ,Su San ,clad in a close-fitting red robe-“prisoner’s attire” in Peking Opera- is in buoyant spitits .The notable aspect of this opera is that Su San’s cangue(a heavy wooden yoke enclosing the neck an hands) is red and decorated in a double fish design ,both auspicious ,which effective portrays her as a sympathetic character deserving of a kind destiny .
Another Peking Opera highlight ,“Dashing His Head against Stone Tablet”,is based on well-known general Yang Jiye from the Northern Song Dynasty (950-1127).Yang Jiye bravely fights Liao invaders but is framed by treacherous ministers and forced to take his own life .Preferring death to surrender ,he commits suicide by dashing his head against a stone tablet .Facing death ,Yang Jiye’s deportment is every inch that of a courageous general .Within the strict conventions of Peking Opera ,removal of a piece of armor indicates that the character is in an abnormal situation ,a device that honors the plot while maintaining the hero’s visual integrity .
Peking Opera master Mei Lanfang ,famous for his portrayal of Lady Yang ,once said that theatergoers buy tickets to watch Peking Opera because they want to see pleasant scenarios and be transported by the player’s performance skills .In other words ,Peking Opera is intended to be an entirely enjoyable pastime in which aestheticism rules.
一走到外面,眼前突然呈现那一毯锃亮的银装素裹.任由那股寒意侵袭我的皮肤,我的心里却感到温暖,仿佛觉得我正在释放出热量; 我好想在这冰天雪地的世界里驻足一段时间.这是倾听大自然力量的话语的一天,我深呼吸,倾听雪下的声音.
审美观可以千差万别,但共同的是追求美.京剧是唯美主义者的艺术形式 .在京剧"苏三奇劫"(苏三被迫戴枷锁)中,女英雄苏三,是一个秀丽,贤淑,好心的妓女.她被诬陷定了罪并被押解到省会进行审判.虽然是一名囚犯,苏三身穿红色紧身长袍(就是京剧中的的“囚服”)精神振作.这个歌剧标志性的东西是苏三戴的枷锁(很重的用木头做的,用来夹住脖子和手的),它是红色的并且装饰有双鱼设计,代表两吉利,有效地刻画了她作为一个好人应当有好的命运.
另一个注目的京剧,"Dashing His Head against Stone Tablet(撞碑)"是根据知名的将军杨继业于北宋(950-1127)勇敢地与辽国侵略者战斗,但被奸诈的官员诬陷而被迫自杀.宁死不屈的他撞碑殉身.面对死亡,杨继业的举止尽其慷慨激昂,鼓舞人心.按照京剧严格的惯例,盔甲的撤除表明人物处于一种异常的形势,这是尊重情节同时也维护了英雄形象的完整性