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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 19:13:38
She is one of China's fifty most successful business leaders and she has been described as being "bigger than Oprah".Well known to one billion viewers,Yang Lan is among China's most popular TV personalities.Born in Beijing in 1968,Yang Lan began her career as the host for the popular "Zheng Da TV show".She was only 21 at the time and had just graduated from Beijing Foreign Studies University.Becoming the host of a show with an audience of 200 million at such a young age was a big challenge,but Yang Lan was ready for it and quickly became popular.
Many of us would probably have stayed on to enjoy the fame and money that come with being a TV star,but Yang Lan had more important plans.She left the show after four years and went to New York City to get a Master's degree at Columbia University.Her experience abroad inspired her and she made up her mind to create a new kind of TV station for Chinese viewers.When Yang Lan returned to China,she decided to develop her interest in business.Together with her husband,she started her own media company,Sun Media.
1 1、China's后接的名词是属于一个国家,即中国的事情,如:
China's problems中国的问题;China's policy 中国的政策;
China's reform改革;China's Modernization中国的现代化等.
Chinese characters中国字/汉字;Chinese dishes中国菜;
Chinese friends;the Chinese Wall 长城 “中国历史”最好是
Chinese history
2 fifty most successful business leaders
3Well known to one billion viewers/ Born in Beijing in 1968过去分词作状语
4Becoming the host of a show ……动名词作主语
5would probably have stayed 虚拟语气